Insurance is supposed to provide
protection against financial risks, and while dying too soon is one major risk
we face, another risk more and more people fear is outliving their money. As a
result, a growing array of life insurance products make it possible to protect
against both of those risks. In many of today’s life insurance products, MacDonald notes, "The death benefit portion really has become a commodity type product, so if someone is really concerned about the financial impact of dying young, then they can get a pretty good deal by buying term insurance on a commodity basis--find the cheapest policy and buy it." But, he says, "The other side of the coin is that insurance companies have developed products that can be very creative, and very competitive to other alternatives, including investments. {{U}}They{{/U}} can A. give you money whenever you need. B. keep you from financial risks. C. save money. D. outlive money. [单选题]分析用水的电导率应小于( )。
A.A、 6.0μS/cm B.B、5.5μS/cm C.C、5.0μS/cm D.D、4.5μS/cm [判断题]客运企业应当建立每一条客运线路的交通状况、限速情况、气候条件、沿线安全隐患路段情况等信息台账,对信息台账进行定期更新,并提供给客运驾驶员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]DC/AC变换是( )
A.直流/直流变换器 B.整流器 C.逆变器 D.变压器 [判断题]客票部分为软座、硬座。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪一项一般不用作为急性中毒时提供毒物鉴定的标本( )
A. 呕吐物 B. 胃液 C. 剩余食物 D. 尿与粪 E. 脑脊液 [单项选择]流行性斑疹伤寒的实验室诊断方法常选
A. 血常规 B. 病原体接种分离 C. 外斐反应 D. 肥达反应 E. 补体结合试验 [判断题] 机动车在道路上发生故障难以移动时要在车后50米以内设置警告标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不是食物中毒的特点
A. 有共同饮食史 B. 症状相似 C. 发病呈暴发型 D. 人与人不直接传染 E. 停止食用"有毒食物"后发病有一滞后期 [单项选择]在和别人进行沟通时,头部一些细微的动作往往可以传达很多的信息,这种信息沟通的方式是()
A. 语言沟通 B. 身体语言沟通 C. 副语言沟通 D. 道 我来回答: 提交