Metropolitan Museum of Art is located
in New York City. It is one of the largest and most (1) art
museums in the world. In 1866 a group of Americans in Paris, France, gathered at a restaurant to (2) the American Independence Day. After dinner, John Jay, a (3) lawyer gave a speech proposing to create a "national institution and gallery of art. " During the next four years, he (4) American civic leaders, art collectors, and others to support the project, and in 1870 the Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded, but it was (5) in two different locations in New York City. In 1880 the museum moved to its present location in Central Park on Fifth Avenue. Many additions have (6) been built around this building. The north and south (7) were completed in 1911 and 1913, (8) Six additional wing A. ever B. never C. as D. since [单项选择]患者,女性,子宫下脱,腰痠腿软,小腹下坠,小便频数,夜间尤甚。舌淡红,脉沉弱。治宜
A. 滋阴养血固摄 B. 清热利湿固脬 C. 补气升提 D. 补肾固脱 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]下列哪项体征对鉴别肢体中枢性与周围性瘫痪最有价值()
A.瘫痪程度分级及范围大小 B.有无肌肉萎缩 C.肌张力增高或减低 D.腱反射亢进或消失 E.有无病理反射 [不定项选择题]A.罗布麻
A.蒺藜 B.羚羊角 C.煅牡蛎 D.赭石 E.肝阳上亢,小便不利,应首选的药物是 [多项选择]应变控制式直剪仪由()组成。
A. 上、下剪切盒 B. 垂直加荷框架 C. 传压板 D. 孔隙水压力表 E. 剪切传动机构 F. 量力环 [单选题]宿舍有人吸烟,点燃易燃物后,引起火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]For two candidates
Compromise on price IBM, one of your company’s clients in the USA, is considering building a factory in Shanghai. Discuss the situation together, and decide: ·where to build the factory. ·what the company needs to know about work practices. For three candidates Compromise on price IBM, one of your company’s clients in the USA, is considering building a factory in Shanghai. Discuss the situation together, and decide: ·where to build the factory ·what the company needs to know about work practices. ·the local government’s invest regulations. [单项选择]在飞行操纵控制法则中的直接法则有哪些保护()
A. 失速保护 B. 高速保护 C. 没有保护 D. 载荷因子保护 [单项选择]关于麻醉的安危不正确的是( )
A. 约90%的心搏停止出现之前发生过心动过缓 B. 老年人大手术术中和术后,发病率和死亡率均比年轻人高 C. 儿科病人可以当作“小成人”来处理 D. 体温监测对于小儿是十分重要的 E. 麻醉医师时刻要有“任何麻醉均可能发生意外”的意识 [单选题]关于新航路开辟后出现的“三角贸易”,下列说法正确的是()。
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ [单选题]根据物权法律制度的规定,下列财产中,不可以作为抵押权客体的是()。
A.工厂的半成品 B.正在建造的船舶 C.以招标方式取得的荒地的土地承包经营权 D.土地所有权 [单选题]电气化改造项目在受电前( )天由项目管理机构将具体受电日期、范围通知路内外有关单位,并进行路外安全宣传。【乌铁运(2015)670号《乌鲁木齐铁路局铁路营业线施工安全管理实施细则》第93条】
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.18 [填空题]动车组网络系统中,连接总线主要有( )、MVB、CAN。
A. 告诉志愿者参与方式 B. 说明机构的性质、服务类型 C. 说明志愿者需要奉献的时间 D. 必须有一个引人注目的主题和要求 E. 对于要求特别技能的工作,可通过发放传单来招募 [单项选择]甲亢之阴虚火旺证的主方是()。
A. 逍遥散 B. 四逆散 C. 龙胆泻肝汤 D. 一贯煎 E. 黄连解毒汤 [单选题]教育扶贫固定资产贷款借款人为民营企业的其上一年末和最近月份资产负债率要在70%(含)以内、实收资本在()万元(合)以上
A.5000 B.10000 C.15000 D.20000 我来回答: 提交