{{B}} Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. {{/B}} |
Most people who travel long distance
complain of jetlag. Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more
prone (21) making mistakes. It is actually caused by
(22) of your "body clock" --a small cluster of brain cells
that controls the timing of biological (23) . The body clock
is designed for a (24) rhythm of daylight and darkness, so
that it is thrown out of balance when it (25) daylight and
darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The (26)
of jetlag often persist for days (27) the internal body
clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. Now a new anti-jetlag system is (28) that is based on proven (29) pioneering scientific research. Dr, Martin Mooreede had (30) a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone (31) A. actions B. functions C. behavior D. reflection [单项选择]Questions 47-49 refer to the following advertisement.
Order online and save time! There is nothing else like the 62nd floor observatory! At 769 feet (about 234 meters) , reached by high speed, automatic elevators, it has both a glass-enclosed area, which is heated in winter and cooled in summer, (47) spacious outdoor strolls on all four sides of the Building. High powered binoculars are available on the strolls for the convenience of visitors (48) a minimal cost. Souvenir counters are also located in the 62nd floor observatory. The 62nd floor observatory is also available for the handicapped. Visitors with tickets purchased online will go directly to the elevator waiting area, (49) the ticket line after passing through the security check. A. holding B. reducing C. bypassing D. detouring [单选题]根据《证券公司融资融券业务管理办法》的规定,除( )情形外,任何人不得动用证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户内的证券和客户信用交易担保资金账户内的资金。
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③④ [单选题]高铁接触网隔离开关按功能分为两种,分别是“ ”隔离开关和负荷隔离开关。( )
A.电动 B.手动 C.单极 D.双极 [单项选择]
Many professions are associated with a particular stereotype. The classic (1) of a writer, for example, is (2) a slightly crazy-looking person, (3) in an attic, writing away furiously for days (4) end. Naturally, he has his favorite pen and note-paper, or a beat-up typewriter, (5) which he could not produce a readable word. [单项选择]在照顾老年人时,养老护理员一定要注意安全防止发生()。
A. 各种感染 B. 各种意外 C. 多种疾病 D. 衰弱死亡 [单项选择]
Britain has laws to make sure that women have the same opportunities as men in education, jobs and training. But it’s still unusual to women doing dirty or heavy jobs. [判断题]旅客列车在到发线上进行车辆技术作业时,用红色信号旗(灯)进行防护,可不设脱轨器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在债的发生依据中,( )是指既未受人之托,也不负有法律规定的义务,而是自觉为他人管理事务的行为。
A. 合同 B. 侵权行为 C. 不当得利 D. 无因管理 [单选题]该施工单位安全事故属于()。
A.意外 B.重大事故 C.较大事故 D.一般事故 [判断题]昆明地铁6号线一列电客列车长度为114m,车辆最大宽度为2.892m,高度为3.8m,其中Tc车长度为20.354m,M1车、M2车19.52m,每节车厢有6对客室门,门开宽度1.3m。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]正常人舌象有时也可以出现
A.黑苔 B.齿痕 C.裂纹 D.淡白 E.胖大 [单选题]
蓄电池的充电可分为常规充电法和快速充电法,以下不属于常规充电法的是()。 A.恒流充电法 B.阶段充电法 C.恒压充电法 D.脉冲式充电法 [判断题]公路口岸限定区域内发生刑事案件,边检站应根据管辖分工移交当地公安机关处理( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在风力超过5级时禁止露天进行焊接或气割。但风力在5级以下、3级以上进行露天焊接或气割时,应搭设挡风屏以防火星飞溅引起火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]单体蓄电池电压测量应每月至少1次,蓄电池内阻测试应每半年至少1次
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交