Good teachers matter. This may seem
obvious to anyone who has a child in school or, for that matter, to anyone who
has been a child in school. For a long time, though, researchers couldn’t
actually prove that teaching talent was important. But new research finally
shows that teacher quality is a close cousin to student achievement: A great
teacher can cram one-and-a-half grades’ worth of learning into a single year,
while laggards are lucky to accomplish half that much. Yet, while we know now that better teachers are critical, flaws in the way that administrators select and retain them mean that schools don’t always hire the best. Failing to recognize the qualities that make teachers truly effective and to construct incentives to attract and retain more of these top performers has serious consequences. Higher salaries draw more w A. good teachers help students establish confidence. B. good teachers determine the personality of students. C. good teachers promote student achievement. D. good teachers treat students as their own children. [判断题]篡改、伪造个人档案资料的,应给予严重警告处分。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]蛋白质的二级结构包括()、()、()、()等内容。
[单选题] 关于扒法的说法,准确的是( )。
A.料扒法的芡色随面菜原料的色泽而定,有深有浅 B.汁扒的芡宜紧 C.汁扒法的芡色随面菜原料的色泽而定,有深有浅 D.扒法的底菜都是植物性原料 [判断题]站台门绿色实线表示站台门站台门正常关闭且锁紧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负荷开关在分闸时有明显的断口,故可起到( )作用。
A.熔断器 B.隔离开关 C.断路器 D.接触器 [单选题]《运规》中列车网络专项检修周期是( )?
A.一个月 B.两个月 C.三个月 D.六个月 [单选题]在Fe-Fe3C相图中,钢与铸铁的分界点的含碳量( )。
A.2% B.2.06% C.2.11% D.2.2% [单选题]( )753、轨道交通的服务理念是:和谐交通、、服务一流、乘客至上。
A.乘客优先 B.安全第一 C.以人为本 D.服务最佳 [简答题]岩屑描述的重点不是描述油气显示。
[单选题]现代化的精密机床的液压系统常用( )泵。
A.齿轮 B.叶片 C.柱塞 D.螺杆 [判断题]成品中含有半纤,使其物理机械性能下降。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]却听得铮的一声轻响,双剑剑尖竟在半空中抵住了,溅出星星火花,两柄长剑弯成弧形,跟着二人双手一推,双掌相交,同时借力飘了开去。这是什么武功?
[判断题]所有高层民用建筑的中庭,每层回廊都必须设火灾自动接警系统和自动喷水灭火系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《大碗岛上的星期天》属于下列哪种艺术风格( )。
A.新印象主义美术 B.印象主义美术 C.后印象主义美术 D.新古典主义美术 [简答题]简述怎样建设美丽中国?
[填空题]综合录井仪钻井液温度传感器标定,温度匀速升高和降低各进行一个( )。出自Q/SY02113·2017)
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