Questions 51-55 are based on the following
passage. Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer." The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing a never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the A. Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding. B. A writer’s success depends on luck rather than on effort. C. Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation. D. The chances for a writer to become successful are small. [单选题](第二十四条)一般情况下应在水带线路铺设完成,分水器、水枪控制人员就位以后方可实施供水。紧急情况下提前供水时,水头应与铺设线路的人员保持( )根水带以上的安全距离。( )
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]患者女,29岁。顺产后6天,以“腹痛、发热1天”为主诉入院。入院后患者仍高热伴寒战,及下侧腹部痛及肛门坠胀。检查子宫复旧差,双侧下腹部压痛,盆腔形成“冰冻骨盆”。该患者最可能发生的是( )。
A.急性宫颈炎 B.急性子宫内膜炎 C.急性盆腔腹膜炎及弥漫性腹膜炎 D.急性盆腔结缔组织炎 E.脓毒血症 [多选题]若发生安全意外情况,现场的全体维护人员应该采取的行动有
A.停止作业 B.急救伤员 C.保护现场 D.立即向部门主要领导报告 [单选题]工作许可时,工作票一份由工作负责人收执,其余留存于()处。
A.工作票签发人或专责监护人 B.工作票签发人或工作许可人 C.工作许可人或用户负责人 D.工作许可人或专责监护人 [单项选择] Text
Every now and then we buy some faulty goods. Here is a typical example: You buy a pair of shoes. A week later a strap comes right (26) making the shoes unwearable. What should you do Although there is no obligation (27) you to return the goods, it is (28) to take them back as soon as you (29) the defect. If it is impracticable for you to return to the shop (30) , perhaps because you live a long way off, or because the goods are bulky, write to say that you are dissatisfied (31) the product and ask for collection arrangements to be (32) Any unexplained or unreasonable (33) will weaken your case. Many people believe that the initial complaint about faulty goods should be made to the manufacturer. This is not the (34) . Your contract is with the retailer, the (35) who sold you the goods, and so it is to h A. call B. get C. return D. turn [单项选择]乙醇未指明浓度时,是指()。
A. 95%(mL/mL) B. 85%(mL/mL) C. 75%(mL/mL) D. 100%(mL/mL) E. 50%(mL/mL) [单项选择]小儿腹泻的饮食护理以下哪项正确 ( )。
A. 轻型腹泻可暂停辅食 B. 重型腹泻伴呕吐严重者应暂时禁食 4~6h C. 长期腹泻者应耐心喂养,少量多餐 D. 病毒性肠炎应暂停乳类食品,改为豆制代乳品或发酵乳 E. 以上都正确 [单项选择]肺孢子菌肺炎治疗应首选()
A. 卡泊芬净 B. 克林霉素 C. 氨苯砜 D. 复方新诺明 E. 氯霉素 [单选题]日补充计划申报的作业项目在月(周)计划的基础上进行安排,原则上不得超过本部门月(周)计划内作业日当天作业项目的( )。
A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.4 [判断题]用交流电表测得交流电压是220V,则此交流电压的最大值是220V。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]叶状如心脏,先端尖或渐尖,基部内凹具二圆形浅裂及一弯缺,这种叶片形状称为
A.卵形 B.心形 C.菱形 D.椭圆形 我来回答: 提交