With more Chinese children coming to
study in Singapore, a unique community of women known as "pei du ma ma", which,
loosely translated means "study mamas", has emerged here.{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}are there to keep their children company. Singaporeans have
responded{{U}} (68) {{/U}}their presence with mixed reactions. What is
more important is{{U}} (69) {{/U}}their experiences say about the
education industry here. Singapore no doubt presents unique advantages as a
choice for Chinese students who are{{U}} (70) {{/U}}to study overseas.
It is a Garden City{{U}} (71) {{/U}}has an efficient judicial system and
an orderly society. It has a bilingual policy and Chinese are the majority. Life
here is easy to get{{U}} (72) {{/U}}to and, what’ s more, their mothers
are{{U}} (73) {{/U}}to come here to be with them. Most Chinese students
who wish to A. rely B. trust C. contact D. turn [单选题]铁路货车尼龙材料配件复验,抽样比例不少于5%,至少( )件。
A.2 B.5 C.10 D.15 [判断题]主要工艺、技术采用不可替代的专利或者专有技术,或者其建筑艺术造型有特殊要求的设计项目可以不招标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列()不属于货运设备。
A.仓库 B.货棚 C.货车 D.货物线 [单选题]单选题:各中心/办公室、部负责本部门职工的( )安全教育培训并组织考试,培训时间不得少于8小时。
A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 [单项选择]下列选项中,属于建设工程项目进度控制的技术措施的是()。
A. 工程风险分析 B. 资金需求计划 C. 进度控制工作管理职能分工 D. 选用有利的施工方案 [单选题]第五套人民币纸币背面右上方印有汉语拼音和()四种少数民族文字中国人民银行字样。
A.蒙、藏、回、维 B.蒙、藏、维、壮 C.蒙、满、藏、维 D.略 [判断题]车辆行驶途中,驾驶员和指挥员应加强行车观察,驾驶员不得疲劳驾驶,指挥员不得睡觉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铁路局要建立健全动车组配件管理制度,规范配件采购、入库、装车、使用、( )及报废等管理。
A.维修 B.管理 C.运用 D.网络 [单项选择]Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him. It is the moment when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality", he will assume that you mean this moment, even if it is fifty years past. The world, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever.
For me, this moment—four years in a moment in history—was the war. The war was and is reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere. These are some of its characteristics: Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the President of the United States, and he always has been. The other two eternal world leaders are Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. America is not, never has been, and never will be what the songs and poems call it, a land of plenty. Nylon, meat, gasoline and steel are rare. There are too many jobs and not enough workers. Money is A. Some moments last forever. B. Each person has his own reality. C. Reality is converted to emotion. D. All men are brothers. [填空题]由于精子细胞膜表面有()的ABO血型物质,可利用()检测精斑的ABO血型。
[多项选择]败毒散可用于( )
A. 风热疫毒壅干中焦者 B. 虚入感风寒湿邪者 C. 热毒充斥,气血两燔者 D. 外邪焰里而成痢疾者 [单项选择]求真是科学之要义,务实是发展之要旨。科学发展离不开求真务实,要不得虚假浮夸。培育和发扬求真务实的工作作风和领导作风,是涤荡形式主义和官僚主义的有力武器,是使科学发展观落到实处的重要保征。对部队而言,只有按照科学发展观的要求树立起求真务实的作风,在工作中自觉纠正违背科学发展观要求的观念和做法,才能不断提高履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命的能力,不断开创部队建设科学发展的新局面。
下列说法与原义相符的是( )。 A. 培育和发扬求真务实的工作作风和领导作风,是落实科学发展观的决定性因素 B. 只要求真务实,杜绝虚假浮夸,就能够实现科学发展 C. 按照科学发展观的要求树立起求真务实的作风,是开创部队科学发展新局面的必要手段 D. 要实现科学发展,就要培育求真务实的作风,不断提高履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命的能力 [判断题]放、撤导线应有人监护,注意与高压导线的安全距离,并采取措施防止与低压带电线路接触。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]粉尘、烟雾的环境中作业,应配戴防尘口罩、()
A. 耳塞 B. 防尘帽 C. 适当用品 D. 安全帽 我来回答: 提交