We show an amazing tolerance for a form of pollution that is a growing problem: noise. Airplane traffic is increasing by five percent a year. Urban noise is doubling every ten years. By air, land and sea, we are facing an onslaught of noise that is threatening our ability to live in this world.
We have granted ourselves the right to make noise. But what about our responsibilities Have we developed a sense of acoustic responsibility
The evidence suggests that we have not. Many people seem to believe they have an unlimited right to make noise with cars and motorbikes, and with loud music at home and in the street. In some countries measures have been taken to force people to make less noise. In Britain, for example, a law has been passed preventing people from disturbing their neighbors with music at night.
It is widely accepted that we should deal with our rubbish in a responsible way. Noise is in reality a particularly insidious (潜在的) form of rubbish. It d
A. think that they have the right to use noisy motorcycles or cars
B. think that cars and motorcycles are disturbing
C. feel responsible for their noise
D. feel guilty for making loud noise
In America, older people rarely live
with their adult children. But in many other cultures children are expected to
care{{U}} (31) {{/U}}their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the
percentage of adult children who{{U}} (32) {{/U}}with their parents{{U}}
(33) {{/U}}65% to 70%. in Thailand, too, children are expected to look
after their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live{{U}} (34) {{/U}}.
What explains these differences in living arrangements across cultures
Modernization theory{{U}} (35) {{/U}}the extended family to low levels
of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their
children in large extended family units for economic reasons. {{U}} (36)
{{/U}}with modernization, children move to urban areas, {{U}} (37)
{{/U}}old people after in{{U}} (38) {{/U}}rural areas. Yet
modernization theory can’ A. off B. up C. around D. about [单项选择]在集中化发展过程中,公司会面临()的挑战。
A. 人才和教育 B. 人才和技术 C. 结构和技术 D. 结构和教育 [单项选择]单向移位寄存器工作时数码是逐次向()移动,又叫()移动寄存器。
A. 右,左向 B. 前,前向 C. 左,左向 D. 后,后向 [填空题]含油系统中混凝池内将投加( )作为混凝剂,使油乳液、胶体和悬浮固体脱稳,产生小矾花。
A. 氯化钠溶液 B. 枸橼酸钠溶液 C. 冰醋酸溶液 D. 牙托水 E. 肥皂水 [单选题]正常情况下,碳酸盐岩裂缝和濬洞型储集层的电性特征主要表现为自然电位幅度差和中子孔隙度表现为(),自然伽马值低,井径大于钻头直径,声波显著衰減微侧向曲线出现电阻率从最小值到最大值的刷烈跳跃
A.很小;高 B.很小;低 C.大;高 D.大;低 [多选题] (多选题)甲公司与其职工对试用期期限的下列约定中,符合法律规定的有
A. 夏某的劳动合同期限 4 年,双方约定的试用期为 4 个月 B. 周某的劳动合同期限 1 年,双方约定的试用期为 1 个月 C. 刘某的劳动合同期限 2 年,双方约定的试用期为 3 个月 D. 林某的劳动合同期限 5 个月,双方约定的试用期为 5 日 [多项选择]单元式空间组合形式是根据功能要求,将内容相关、关系紧密的建筑组成单元,并由交通联系空间组合在一起,形成一个整体。其特点是功能分区、布局整齐、便于分期分段建造。以下各类公共建筑中,( )等建筑属于单元式组合形式的适用范围。
A. 商务楼宇 B. 中小学 C. 图书馆 D. 体育馆 E. 幼儿园 [单选题]下列关于债的提存的说法中,符合我国合同法规定的是
A.债权人无正当理由拒绝受领标的物是提存的条件之一 B.提存物在提存期间产生的孳息归提存人所有 C.债权人超过法定期限不领取提存物,提存物归债务人所有 D.提存期间,提存物毁损灭失的风险由提存机关承担 [判断题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统电缆模拟网络用来补偿实际SPT数字信号电缆,使补偿电缆和实际电缆总距离为10Km。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]货车车轮在离轮缘内侧50mm处测量所得的直径为名义尺寸,改圆称为滚动圆。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交