It has been necessary to refer
repeatedly to the .effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of
innovation. It should be (1) also that technological
innovations have (2) the character of war itself by the
(3) of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed
during World War Ⅱ (4) a special mention. The (5)
of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as
a (6) of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the
Earth’s gravitational pull had been (7) by the Russian and
the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in
1926. (8) , a group of German and Romanian pioneers was
working (9) the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this
team that developed a rocket (10) of delivering a warhead
hundreds of miles aw A. on the other hand B. as a result C. on the contrary D. for instance [简答题]简述社会工作的构成要素。
[多选题]掘进机常用液压缸中属于单作用液压缸的是( )。
A.升降油缸 B.液压张紧缸 C.回转油缸 D.润滑脂张紧缸 [单选题]各级应当严格遵守装备安全使用管理规定,突出装备采购、仓储、使用、改进改装、维修、检测检验、报废等重要环节的安全管理,确保装备的稳定性、( )、安全性,防止因质量缺陷或者操作不当、管理不善等原因导致装备事故发生。
A.可靠性 B.稳固性 C.牢固性 D.可持续性 [简答题]什么是不连续发射?简述相关参数的设置和含义,以及可以带来的好处?
[单项选择]各项城市工程系统规划在城市经济社会发展总目标的前提下,根据本系统的实况和特性,明确各自的规划任务。其中主要任务不包括( )。
A. 城市供电工程系统规划和城市燃气工程规划的主要任务 B. 城市建设工程系统和城市交通工程系统的主要任务 C. 城市通信工程系统和城市给排水工程系统的主要任务 D. 城市防灾工程系统和城市环境卫生设施系统规划的主要任务 [多选题][159]混凝土枕地段无缝线路,作业轨温为-10 ℃~+10 ℃以内时,下列做法正确的是( )。
A.A、A.禁止更换胶接绝缘接头 B.B、B.逐一进行更换接头螺栓 C.C、C.可以更换钢轨或夹板 D.D、D.可以更换轨枕 [单项选择]中亚地区现存的()合作机制为推进新“丝绸之路经济带”战略构想奠定了基础。
A. 单边 B. 多边 C. 双边 D. 以上均不正确 我来回答: 提交