Passage 2 Term loans are designed to fund long-and-medium-term business investments, such as the purchase of equipment or the construction of physical facilities, covering a period longer than one year. Usually the borrowing firm applies for a lump-sum loan based on the budgeted cost of its proposed project and then pledges to meet the scheduled repayment in a series of installments (often payments are made every quarter or even monthly). Thus, term loans look to the flow of future earnings of the business firm to amortize and retire the credit. The schedule of installment payments is usually structured with the borrower’s normal cycle of cash inflows and outflows firmly in mind. For example, there may be ’blind spots’ built into the repayment schedule, so there will be no installment payments due at those times of the year when the A. Securities. B. Land and building. C. Accounts receivable. D. Inventory. [多选题] 射线的防护措施包括( )。
A.屏蔽防护 B.距离防护 C.时间防护 D.药物防护 . [单选题]生产经营单位必须遵守《安全生产法》和有关法律、法规,加强安全生产管理,建立、健全安全生产责任制度,并必须执行依法制定的保障安全生产的()。
A.管理制度 B.安全生产制度 C.国家标准或者行业标准 [简答题]行政诉讼中实行证明责任倒置原则的原因是什么?
A.血压 B.呼吸 C.尿量 D.神志 E.脉率 [多选题]《中国药典》中以苦杏仁苷为质量控制成分的药材是
A.砂仁 B.苦杏仁 C.桃仁 D.薏苡仁 E.郁李仁 [单项选择]有针对性地选择为广告沟通对象所易于接受并()的媒体,是增强广告促销交易的有效措施。
A. 罕见稀少 B. 随手可得、到处可见 C. 偶尔碰到 D. 不常见到 [判断题]各厂、站、客户变电站及线路运行和检修人员,可不通过向值班调度员申请便在不属于自己调度管理的设备上进行工作。如有必要在上述设备上工作时,必须向值班调度员提出申请,在征得值班调度员的同意后方能工作
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]警告标志的含义是提醒人们对周围环境引起注意,以避免可能发生危险的图形标志。其基本外型是 ( ) 。
A.带斜杠的圆形框 B.圆形边框 C.正三角形边框 [单项选择]C3转化酶是
A. C3bB B. C3bBb C. C3.B D. βIH E. C5678(9)n [多选题]影响固体绝缘击穿的因素包括()。
A.电压作用时间 B.电场均匀程度与介质厚度 C.温度 D.电压作用的累积效应 [单项选择]引起乳牙牙根吸收时,增多的细胞是()
A. 破骨细胞 B. 破牙细胞 C. 巨噬细胞 D. 多形核白细胞 E. 中性粒细胞 [单项选择]患者女性,65岁。无烟酒嗜好,拟行胆囊摘除+胆总管探查术。为进一步了解心脏功能下列哪一项检查最必要()
A. 生化全套 B. 血气分析 C. 肝功能 D. 心功能 E. 肾功能 我来回答: 提交