It was a very foggy (多雾的) day in
London. Mr. Smith had arrived from Edinburgh to go to a very important meeting,
but no buses or taxis were running. He thought (认为,考虑), he would walk to the
office. But he saw that nobody was ever trying to walk anywhere. While he was standing there, saying unhappy things about the fog, and thinking that he would have to telephone to the office and say that he was not able to come, a young man came (来,出现) up to him and said, "Sir, if you want to go somewhere, I can guide (领路) you. Please trust (信任,委托) me." So Mr. Smith told him where he wanted to go, and they started. At first, Mr. Smith thought, "Perhaps this man is foolish (愚蠢的,可笑的); he would show me a wrong way." But a minute later (后来,过一会儿), the young man stopped and said, "Here is the [单项选择]小刚利用改变物体接触面积大小或光滑程度的方法,来增强或减弱滑板的摩擦力。这主要说明小刚能够运用()。
A. 情境性知识 B. 描述性知识 C. 程序性知识 D. 元认知知识 [判断题]rcqk热成象仪应用红外线成象原理,有效地监测距离80米,可视角度55度 ,防水防冲撞,密封外壳,重量为2.7千克。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列症状中,诊断表证最具意义的是()
A. 脉浮 B. 恶寒 C. 头身痛 D. 舌苔薄白 E. 流涕 [简答题]外部监管与金融机构内部控制的区别
[判断题]“人人为我,我为人人”就是为人民服务的具体体现。( )〔122000000〕
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]消防救援人员誓词。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交