Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Airport baggage screeners in the USA, displaying seized chain saws, machetes and knives, (21) travelers to check their luggage for offensive objects before boarding a (22) . Officials of the Transport Security Administration (TSA) (23) that since February 2002 more than 7.5 million (24) items had been seized. They included 50,000 box cutters-- a (25) said to be used by the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackers --and 1,437 firearms as (26) as 2.3 million knives. The TSA officials told a news conference most people with (27) items in their bags i A. tools B. weapon C. conditions D. facts [多选题]车站级监控内容:
A.公共区域自动扶梯、无障碍电梯、PIS系统、车站照明、售检票系统等设施设备的运行情况。 B.出入口、通道、站台违法设摊、流动报贩、散发小广告、乞讨、抽烟。 C.车站客流动态以及各岗位标准化作业执行情况。 D.公共区域可疑人和危险品、大件行李等可疑物。 [名词解释]伊川缸
A. 直接变频线性接收机 B. 超外差一次变频接收机 C. 超外差二次变频接收机 D. 超外差三次变频接收机 [多项选择]大肠湿热时大便可见下列哪些改变
A. 大便干燥秘结 B. 下利脓血 C. 暴注下迫,色黄而臭 D. 泻下酸腐臭秽 [单项选择]下列不属于用气不均匀性的种类是( )。
A. 年不均匀性 B. 季节不均匀性 C. 日不均匀性 D. 小时不均匀性 [简答题]两台设备需要建立桥接,需要进行什么样的配置?
A. 16℃~20℃ B. 16℃~21℃ C. 16℃~22℃ D. 15℃~22℃ [单选题]钢直尺测量工件时误差( )。
A.最大 B.较大 C.较小 D.最小 [填空题]The value of understanding the language of a foreign country should not be over-estimated, though many blunders in international advertising result directly from translation mistakes.
[多项选择]业主方在组织与协调方面的工作包括( )。
A. 协调与设计单位之间的关系,及时处理有关问题,使设计工作顺利进行 B. 处理设计与各市政部门和主管部门的联系,摸清有关设计参数和要求 C. 做好方案及初步设计审批的准备工作,处理和解决方案和初步设计审批的有关问题 D. 组织对投标单位的资格预审 E. 组织签订合同 [多选题]在发供电系统正常情况下,供电企业应连续向用户供应电力。但是,有下列情形之一的,须经批准方可中止供电:()
A.对危害供用电安全,扰乱供用电秩序,拒绝检查者 B.拖欠电费经通知催交仍不交者 C.受电装置经检验不合格,在指定期间未改善者 D.确有窃电行为 我来回答: 提交