The National Association of Securities
Dealers is investigating whether some brokerage houses are inappropriately
pushing individuals to borrow large sums on their houses to invest in the stock
market. Can we persuade the association to investigate would-be privatizers of
Social Security For it is now apparent that the Bush administration’s
privatization proposal will amount to the same thing, borrow trillions, put the
money in the stock market and hope. Privatization would begin by diverting payroll taxes, which pay for current Social Security benefits, into personal investment accounts. The government would have to borrow to make up the shortfall. This would sharply increase the government’s debt. "Never mind," privatization advocates say, "in the long run, people would make so much on personal accounts that the government could save money by cutt A. Investors in stock markets. B. Retired workers in the future. C. The future Congresses. D. Account information brokers. [单选题]中国藏书事业发展过程中,以下四大系列出现得最晚的是:( )
A.官府藏书 B.书院藏书 C.私人藏书 D.寺观藏书 [单选题]化脓性脑膜炎治疗疗程不少于
A.1~2周 B.2~3周 C.3~4周 D.4~5周 E.5~6周 [简答题]金庸小说《神雕侠侣》中,瑛姑念的诗“四张机,鸳鸯织就欲双飞”的下一句是什么?
[判断题]大型集装箱货场应配备门式起重机或轮胎吊,采用具有减摇、超偏载检测和自动调节功能的集装箱吊具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I must have browsed through hundreds of guides but I've no _________ where to go for this year's holiday.
A. concept B. remark C. idea D. thought [多选题]对灾害事故现场营救出的被困人员,应视情采取( )等急救措施。
A. 止血 B. 包扎 C. 固定 D. 心肺复苏 [名词解释]超验世界
[单选题]室内消火栓应设在明显、易于取用的地点,其栓口离地高度为( )m,出水方向宜向下或与
A.0.8 B.1.1 C.1.5 D.2 [单项选择]模数、齿数和()是计算齿轮各部分尺寸的基本参数。
A. 节圆直径 B. 基圆直径 C. 齿顶圆直径 D. 齿根圆直径 [单选题] 单选题 国寿人的收入不包括?
A.佣金 B.津贴 C.保障 D.股票 [填空题]固定调机接班后、( )以及作业中等待间隔时间超过1h,应进行通话和色灯显示试验良好后方可使用。
[单选题] ( )及以上的电动机,应采用真空电磁启动器控制。
A.30kW B.40kW C.50kW [单项选择]男性,65岁,发现右腹股沟部可复性球形肿物2年。查体:站立时腹股沟区内侧及耻骨结节外上方可见球形肿物,直径4cm;未进入阴囊,平卧时肿块自行消失。压迫内环口肿物仍可出现。应诊断
A. 有侧腹股沟斜疝 B. 右侧精索鞘膜积液 C. 交通性鞘膜积液 D. 右侧腹股沟直疝 E. 右侧股疝 [单选题]下列关于有限责任公司的说法正确的是()。
A.有限责任公司由50个以上股东出资设立 B.有限责任公司设董事会的,其成员为3人至11人,《公司法》另有规定的除外 C.董事任期由公司章程规定,但每届任期不得超过2年 D.有限责任公司设监事会的成员不得少于3人。股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以设1至2名监事,不设监事会 [单选题]以下木马程序的描述中,正确的是()。
A.木马程序主要通过移动磁盘传播 B.木马程序的客户端运行在攻击者的机器上 C.木马程序的目的是使计算机或者网络无法提供正常的服务 D.Sniffer是典型的木马程序 [单选题]揭开维新变法运动序幕的事件是( )。
A.康有为第一次上书 B.公车上书 C.“南学会”创立 D.《孔子改制考》发表 [单选题]胃及十二指肠溃疡手术治疗的适应证不包括( )
A.急性穿孔 B.药物治疗无效者 C.并发瘢痕性幽门梗阻 D.恶性变 E.经常反酸、恶心呕吐 [判断题]在信托业务中,信托资产管理公司通常只对信托产品承担有限责任,绝大部分风险是由信托业务的委托人来承担。 ( )
[判断题]盘车机构主要用于盘车检查柴油机运动部件的运动状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当某一地块的边际报酬曲线达到最大值时,该地块的总报酬开始( )。
A. 以递增的速度上升 B. 以递减的速度上升 C. 以递增的速度下降 D. 以递减的速度下降 [填空题] New research shows that cleaners are some of the happiest workers in Britain, al (46) with child caters, medical secretaries, hairdressers and petrol pump attendants.
The study of 35,000 employees found that the highest levels of job satisfaction were among those (47) (provide) personal service, even if the pay is poor. There are highly paid professional and managerial staff who enjoy excellent pay and conditions, but many of these appear to hate their jobs. Civil servants lie, almost at the bo (48) of the league table, with solicitors and various engineers and scientists not far behind.
Michael Rose of Bath University, who led the study, said a key element of job satisfaction was the potential to work part-time and (49) (supervise). A cleaner’s job may not appeal to all, but it has hidden perks. "You can trim your hours and you don’t have a supervisor breathing down your neck all the time", he said. Petrol pump attendants, too, had a ch (50) o
[单项选择]下面四种情况中,( )能自动核销已对账的记录。
A. 对账单文件中一条记录和银行日记账未达账项文件中的一条记录完全相同 B. 对账单文件中一条记录和银行日记账未达账项文件中的多条记录完全相同 C. 对账单文件中多条记录和银行日记账未达账项文件中的一条记录完全相同 D. 对账单文件中多条记录和银行日记账未达账项文件中的多条记录完全相同 [单项选择]乳牙以及表面含氟化物较多的牙如氟牙症等,适宜的釉质酸蚀时间是()
A. 10秒 B. 20秒 C. 30秒 D. 60秒 E. 120秒 [判断题]无线调车灯显设备正常使用时停用手信号,对灯显以外的作业指令采用通话方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves ______ know where to look.
A. virtually B. initially C. invariably D. infinitely [判断题]旅游仲裁属于临时仲裁。
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