一位成年男性患者因胆囊结石、胆囊炎,行腹腔镜胆囊切除术,术后恢复正常饮食。术后第4天,患者突然出现全腹疼痛、恶心、低热。白细胞数升高。x线腹平片显示肠梗阻征象。 |
Passage 1
The World Wide Web is more than just news, stock reports, and electronic storefronts. It's also one of the best sources for information on recreational activities. From model trains to motorcross (摩托车越野), from genealogy to gymnastics, if someone is "into it", chances are there's a web page about it. Interested in movies All of the major film studios maintain web sites where you can download sound and video clips from their latest releases. There are thousands of fan pages devoted to movies and TV programs. Yahoo!'s X--Files category alone, for instance, contains hundreds of sites created by, shall we say, extremely enthusiastic fans of the show. There's even a whole sub--category devoted to fans who want to see the two leads on the show have a relationship. If the moving A. You can download music and video clips from the latest releases on websites. B. Little is wholly devoted to fans who want to see the two leads on the show have a relationship. C. There’re some categories containing hundreds of sites created by fans of the show. D. You can’t find other media to indulge in if videos don’t attract you. [单项选择]《三字经》中教五子名俱扬的是什么时候的人()
A. 五代后晋 B. 五代后汉 C. 战国末 D. 春秋末 [单选题]继电保护公用小母线拆除工作至少应有人同时进行。
A.A、2 B.B、3 C.C、4 [判断题]尽量避免或减少施工过程中的光污染。严禁夜间施工。
[单选题]施工作业地点在站外,距离进站信号机(反方向进站信号机)小于820 m时,现场防护人员应站在距进站信号机(反方向进站信号机)()m附近,显示停车手信号。
A.800 B.50 C.20 D.820 [单选题]有限空间一般是指( )、地下和地上有限空间。
A.密闭设备 B.楼梯间 C.溶洞 [判断题]作业人员在发现直接危及人身、电网和设备安全的紧急情况时,有权停止作业或者在采取可能紧急措施后撤离作业场所,并立即报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]位于线路首端的第一基杆塔属于首端杆,最末端一基杆塔属于终端杆。() ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交