At the beginning of the century, medical scientists made a surprising discovery: that we are (1) not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were able to (2) that we all have an internal "body clock" which (3) the rise and fall of our body energies, making us different from one day to the (5) . These forces became known as biorhythms: they create the (5) in our everyday life.
The (6) of an internal "body clock" should not be too surprising, (7) the lives of most living things are dominated by the 24-hour night-and-day cycle. The most obvious (8) of this cycle is the (9) we feel tired and fall asleep at night and become awake and (10) during the day. (11) the 24-hour rhythm is interrupted, most people experience unpleasant side effects.
(12) , international aeroplane travelers often experience "jet lag" when traveling across time (13) . Pe
A. mode
B. way
C. form
D. fashion
A major reason for conflict in the animal world is
territory. The male animal{{U}} (21) {{/U}}an area. The size of the area
is sufficient to provide food for him, his{{U}} (22) {{/U}}and their
offspring. Migrating birds, for example, divide up the best territory in the
order of "first come, first{{U}} (23) {{/U}}" The late arrivals may
acquire{{U}} (24) {{/U}}territories, but less food is{{U}} (25)
{{/U}}, or they are too close to the{{U}} (26) {{/U}}of the enemies
of the species. When there is conflict over territory, animals will commonly use force, or a{{U}} (27) {{/U}}of force, to decide which will stay and which will go. It is interesting to note, however, that animals seem to use only the{{U}} (28) {{/U}}amount of force necessary to drive away the intruder. There is usually no killing. In the{{U}} (29) {{/U}}of those A. on B. as C. for D. in [判断题]过剩煤气放散管的作用是超容量时的一种自动放散装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项不属于项目样板建立内容的是?()
A.族文件命名规则 B.项目文档命名规则 C.构件命名规则 D.视图命名规则 [多项选择]()业务的客户服务标识是单位结算账号或个人结算账号。
A. 公司贷款 B. 贴现 C. 委托贷款 [单选题]分界断路器成套设备主要由( )、控制单元、电源PT、连接电缆组成
A.开关本体 B.CT C.隔离开关 D.抱箍 [单选题]驱牛绦虫的首选药是
A.阿苯达唑 B.左旋咪唑 C.喹碘仿 D.替硝唑 E.甲硝唑 [判断题]室内、室外给水排水管道安装属于高处架设管道专业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]幼儿园管理过程实质上就是幼儿园工作目标的具体实施过程。
[单选题]铁路总公司调度交换机至铁路局集团公司调度主系统采用星型复合结构,并有( )路由。
A.直达 B.迂回 C.动态 D.静态 [多选题]电气设备温度下降,其绝缘的直流泄漏电流( )
A.变大 B.变小 C.不变 D.不稳定 E.不清楚 [单项选择]抗原具有的免疫性能不包括()
A. 免疫原性 B. 免疫反应原性 C. 变应原性 D. 耐受原性 E. 抗原提呈能力 [多项选择]调查报告写作的三个阶段()
A. 明确调查目的,调查研究阶段 B. 深入基层,了解情况阶段 C. 确定主题,选取材料阶段 D. 妥善布局,撰写成文阶段 [多选题]信贷经营管理过程中,下列选项中有( )情形之一的,给予直接责任人、制约责任人、领导责任人开除处分。
A.发放冒名、假名贷款的 B.账外发放贷款的 C.在办理贷款中,有吃、拿、卡、要等违纪行为或收受贿赂,或谋取其他不正当利益的 D.违反规定随意调整信用等级评定结果的 [单项选择]新生儿溶血病如需要换血疗法的,由经治医师申请,经主治医师核准,并经谁签字同意,由血站和医院输血科(血库)人员共同实施()。
A. 患儿家属或监护人 B. 上级医生 C. 科主任 D. 主管业务的副院长 E. 院长 我来回答: 提交