The struggle against malnutrition and
hunger is as old as man himself, and never across the face of our planet has
outcome been more in doubt. Malnutrition caused much suffering to an estimated
400 million to 1.5 billion of the world’s poor. Even in the wealthy US poverty
means undernourishment for an estimated ten to twenty million. Hardest hit are
children, whose growing bodies demand two and a half times more protein, pound
for pound, than those of adults. Nutrition experts estimate that 70 percent of
the children in low-income countries are affected. Badly shaped bodies tell the tragic story of malnutrition. Medical science identifies two major types of malnutrition which usually occur in combination. The first, kwashiorkor (恶性营养不良), is typified by the bloated look. The opposite of what we associate with starvation. A A. suffer more than adults because they eat less food B. suffer less than adults because they are physically smaller C. are affected more than adults since their food contains less protein D. are affected more than adults simply because they need more protein [单选题]一部电梯的曳引钢丝绳根数为2时,安全系数应不小于( )。
A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16 [简答题]
46) A "scientific’ view of language was dominant among philosophers and linguists who affected to develop a scientific analysis of human thought and behavior in the early part of this century. Under the force of this view, it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action, it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action) to the status of being wholly condemned. 47) If people are regarded only as machines guided by logic as they were by these "scientific" thinkers, rhetoric is likely to be held in low regard., for the most obvious truth about rhetoric is that it speaks to the whole person. It presents its arguments first to the person as a rational being, because persuasive discourse, if honestly conceived, always has a basis in reasoning. Logical argu [单选题]客户经理回访时发现客户还款能力不足,通过____可降低贷款风险。
A.追加担保 B.贷款要素变更 C.贷款处理台账 D.业务拆分 [单选题]将切屑切下所必须的基本运动叫,()。
A.主运动 B.进给运动 C.走刀运动 D.直线运动 [单选题](单选题).柔调人像的光线是()。
A.散射的柔和光线 B.直射的硬光线 C.直射的柔和光线 D.散射的硬光线 [单选题]CCTV系统中枪型摄像机的使用电源为DC( )V。
A.24 B.36 C.220 D.12 [判断题]生产经营单位不得将生产经营项目、场所、设备发包或者出租给不具备安全生产条件或者相应资质的单位或者个人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]从经济损失来看,重大设备事故是指电力设备设施、施工机械损坏,直接经济损失达()万元者。
A. 3 B. 30 C. 500 D. 100 [简答题]Directions:Inthispartyouaretowritewithin30minutesacompositionofnofewerthan120words.Yourcompositionshouldbebasedonthefollowingstatements.
[单项选择]某市办公楼要重新装修,该项目共10层,第五层以上为标准层,每层的建筑面积1 100m2,施工内容包括原有装饰装修工程拆除,新建筑地面、抹灰、门窗、吊顶、轻质隔墙、饰面砖、幕墙、涂饰、裱湖与软包、细部工程施工等。于2005年8月8日开工,2005年12月20日竣工。
饰面板(砖)工程施工环境要求,采用有机胶粘贴时,不宜低于( )。 A. 5℃ B. 10℃ C. 12℃ D. 15℃ [单选题]IT系统是指电源中性点不接地或经足够大阻抗(约1000Ω)接地,电气设备的外露可导电部分经各自的()分别直接接地的三相三线制低压配电系统
A.保护线PE B.中性线N C.PEN线 [多项选择]下列案件中成立不作为犯罪的选项有哪些( )
A. 警察甲逮捕正在哺乳期的犯罪嫌疑人,明知其家中有婴儿无人喂养而置之不理,最后导致婴儿饿死 B. 酒店老板乙于晚上关门打烊之际将烂醉如泥的顾客张某带到交通繁忙的街道后自己迅即离开,结果张某被过往车辆撞死 C. 丙等“驴友”组织了以丙为队长的登山队,驴友们约定在登山过程中要相互救助。一次登山中,一驴友不幸跌落山涧,丙等见天色已晚为赶路,没有施救。三天后,该驴友被人发现已经死亡 D. 影院工作人员丁晚上清场时不小心将一打瞌睡李某关在了影院,但其发现自己失误时,想到已将钥匙交给了影院老板就不想再管事了,结果李某在影院被关了一昼夜 [填空题]生产条件主要指 () 和 ()。
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