In New Orleans, Moon Walk—— a pathway
along a stretch of the Mississippi--now provides the public access that had
previously been denied. It’s a charming place, where one night recently a band
played on the walk as tourists and residents of the adjacent Vieux Carre (the
Old Quarter or French Quarter) strolled past. A few feet west, the paddlewheeler
Natchez sounded its whistle, signaling its imminent departure. Now the city plans to extend public access to the area adjoining Moon Walk in an ambitious design that will, the city hopes, be a part of its development for the next world’s fair. This more ambitious concept for the waterfront will be likely to stir considerable debate as competing projects vie (竞争) for the opportunities for profit. The development will therefore require substantial participation, cooperation and A. expansion of urban areas B.Moon Walk in New Orleans C.the causes of urban decay D.the renewal of waterfront areas [单项选择]精神分析治疗中,病人突然停止话题,或反复陈述要求终止治疗,表明病人处于()
A. 移情 B. 阐释 C. 阻抗 D. 自由联想 E. 宣泄 [单选题]不是CDZ53举高消防车油路无法切换到下车故障原因的是( )。( )
A.上、下车转换阀中的切换电池阀没有电 B.吊臂支架上的行程开关损坏,使切换电磁阀Y1无法断电 C.切换电磁阀Y1卡死 D.电路中的继电器出现故障,使切换电磁阀Y1无法断电 [判断题]生产经营单位应当安排用于配备劳动防护用品.进行安全生产培训的经费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《国家基本公共卫生服务规范(第三版)》要求,为老年人健康体检时,查体内容不包括( )
A. 皮肤 B.. 眼底检查 C. 巩膜 D. 下肢水肿 E. 淋巴结 [多选题]现场工作人员都应定期接受培训,学会紧急救护法,会()、会处理急救外伤或中毒。
A.A-正确解脱电源 B.B-心肺复苏法 C.C-止血、包扎、固定 D.D-会转移搬运伤员 [单项选择]保险合同的( ),是指与保险合同的人订立或履行有一定辅助关系的人,一般是指保险代理人、保险经纪人和保险公证人。
A. 当事人 B. 关系人 C. 中介人 D. 委托人 [多选题]在整个社会主义历史时期无产阶级专政的任务是( )
A.镇压一切反社会主义敌对势力的反抗与破坏,防止外敌侵略和颠覆 B.保护广大人民群众的合法权益 C.巩固作为社会主义经济制度基础的公有制,领导与组织社会主义建设 D.维护社会主义法制社会 [多选题]()不属于通用货车。
A.敞车 B.毒品车 C.罐车 D.棚车 [名词解释]国际争端
男性,50岁。3个月来进行性乏力伴面色苍白,无挑食,二便正常,既往体健。化验Hb80g/L,MCV70fl,MCHC30%,网织红细胞45×109/L,WBC6.5×109/L,PLT410×109/L。 本例应首选的检查是()A. 尿隐血 B. 尿Rous试验 C. 大便隐血 D. 血红蛋白电泳 E. 血清铁和铁蛋白 [多选题]‐29506在Word的编辑过程中,一个文档使用不同的字体,可以利用()进行()
A.“格式”菜单下的字体命令 B.“页面设置”中的字体设置 C.格式“菜单”中的更改大小写 D.工具栏中“格式”工具栏 [多选题]第 321 题, 本小题 1 分
各类杆塔的正常运行情况,应计算的荷载组合有(____)。 A. 基本风速、无冰、未断线 B. 设计覆冰、相应风速及气温、未断线 C. 最低气温、无冰、无风、未断线 D. 最低气温、设计覆冰、无风、未断线 [名词解释]马氏管
[单选题]青铜主要是铜元素与( )元素组成的合金。
A.锡 B.铝 C.镍 [单选题]人工接地装置宜设置成环形接地体,其等效半径应大于()米。
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 [单项选择]女性,22岁。因双肩酸痛伴四肢乏力、发麻,小便费劲1d来院急诊,病前有上感史。体检:颅神经(-),四肢腱反射(++),肌力3级,肩及锁骨以下感觉障碍,两侧巴氏征(-)。如病人脊柱X线摄片及CT均无异常发现,腰穿脑脊液无色透明,WBC1×106/L(10/mm),RBC6×106/L,蛋白500mg/L(50mg/dl),Queckenstedt试验(-)。此时首先诊断是()
A. 脊髓髓外肿瘤 B. 髓外脓肿 C. 急性脊髓炎 D. 髓内肿瘤 E. 急性多发性神经根神经炎 [多选题]十五
某低压停电作业中,张某在验电时,没有先在带电设备上验证验电器是否正常,直接验电。结果将带电设备误认为停电。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题1.(多选题)低压配电网设备停电后,检修或装表接电前,应在与( )的可验电部位验电。 A.停电检修部位 B.表计电气上直接相连 C.在相邻的电气设备上验电 D.在电表二次回路上验电 [判断题]参加调试人员应取得试运相关专业的资格证书。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]抢险救援消防车定期(每三个月或6000km)检查车箱及其他总成与车架连接的可靠性,必要时采取紧固措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In the last 500 years, nothing about people-their clothes, ideas, or languages-haschanged as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of cocoa tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. Although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In Lon-don, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.
The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. The potato was the main food at Irish table. Thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine"(土豆饥荒) of 1845~1846, and thousands more were forced to move to America. There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the world’s largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop A. they depended on the potato B. they were forced to move to America C. the weather conditions in Ireland were not fit for growing the potato D. the potato harvest was had [多选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》(国务院令第393号)第四章施工单位的安全责任第二十条施工单位从事建设工程的新建、扩建和拆除等活动,应具备国家规定的()和安全生产等条件,依法取得相应等级的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的范围内承揽工程。
A.注册资本 B.注册工程师 C.专业技术人员 D.技术装备 [简答题]在往复式压缩机的开车、停车之初注入为何要适当减少气缸的冷却水量?
[单选题]进行拆、搭金属构架作业时,人及物体与一般带电设备应保持的安全距离是( )m。
A. 1.5 B. 2.O C. 2.5 D. 3.0 [单选题]( )的本质,或者说是大力倡导和弘扬其根本目的是使职工从不得不服从管理制度的被动执行状态,转变成主动自觉地按安全要求采取行动,即从“要我遵章守纪”转变成“我要遵章守纪”。
A.安全管理机构 B.应急救援与救援体系 C.安全管理规章制度 D.安全文化 [不定项选择题]通过环甲膜穿刺吸取痰液,进行痰涂片和需氧、厌氧菌检查,结果证实是金黄色葡萄球菌感染,治疗宜首选
A.磺胺嘧啶 B.阿奇霉素 C.青霉素G D.氯霉素 E.喹诺酮类 我来回答: 提交