Not all decisions are alike. Nor is
every decision made in the same manner. Although some actions you undertake
derive their basis from newly made decisions, there are other instances when
decision-making does not really take place. The latter, according to Deacon and
Firebaugh, may involve routine, programmed, impulsive or intuitive action. When
you wake up in the morning and prepare to attend class, do you consciously make
decisions about such things as which side of your hair to comb first, how to
brush your teeth, or which shoe to put on first Probably not. Although you may
have made a conscious decision about what you were going to wear to class, you
probably didn’t spend any time in making a decision about how to get ready to
at- tend class. Every individual has certain habits or routine behaviors.
Although they originate A. can save people plenty of time B. may measure the success people have achieved C. enable people to make better decisions D. can ensure a good’ score in an exam [判断题]单相电容运行式异步电动机常用于落地电风扇。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不是隧道火灾处置战术要点( )。
A.隧道火灾发生时,应遵循“救人第一”指导思想 B.火情侦查 C.组织灭火 D.物资转移 [名词解释]内呼吸
A. 对病人、病原携带者,予以隔离治疗,隔离期限根据医学检查结果确定 B. 对疑似病人,确诊前在指定场所单独隔离治疗 C. 对医疗机构内的病人、病原携带者、疑似病人的密切接触者,在指定场所进行医学观察 D. 拒绝隔离治疗或者隔离期未满擅自脱离隔离治疗的,留下其书面意见可以放行 E. 对本医疗机构内被传染病病原体污染的物品,必须实施消毒和无害化处置 [多项选择]下列企业中,可享受15%税率的有()。
A. 设在经济特区的生产性外商投资企业 B. 设在经济特区的外商投资的宾馆、照相馆 C. 设在经济技术开发区的生产性外商投资企业 D. 在经济特区设立机构、场所从事生产经营的外国企业 [多选题]瓦秒法测电能表误差时,求得下列变量( ),可计算理论时间T。
A.规定时间内电能表转数N B.秒表记录时间t C.电能表功率P D.电能表常数C [单选题]( )是电炉子的英文名称。
A.Revolving oven B.Tunnel oven C.Electrical stove D.Electrical lamp [多选题]提升低压交流断路器灵敏度的方法有?
A.降低断路器额定电流 B.更换断路器 C.采用零序保护 D.更换电缆 [多选题]睑板腺受累的疾病包括( )
A.外睑腺炎 B.眦部睑缘炎 C.溃疡性睑缘炎 D.睑板腺囊肿 E.内睑腺炎 [多选题]根据《失物招领管理流程及系统操作指引》,以下哪几类失物需要2小时内将信息录入失物管理系统()
A. 钱包 B. 现金 C. 食品 D. 合同 我来回答: 提交