Up-Minneapolis, MN—A father was
recently arrested by the police for spanking his child, starting a debate among
the American public about spanking. Is spanking, or other types of corporal
punishment, an acceptable form of discipline for children Or is it a form of
child abuse The case that everyone has talking is the arrest of Dale Clover, a thirty-six-year-old father of three, at a shopping mall in St. Louis, Missouri. He was arrested after an employee at the mall saw him spanking his five-year-old son, Donny, and called the police. The father was arrested for child abuse. Mr. Clover admits that he hit his son but says that it wasn’t child abuse. He says it was discipline. Across the country, parents disagree on this issue: What is the difference between loving discipline and child abuse Some parents like Rhonda Moore see a clear difference A. (A) To give examples of parents who spank their children. B. (B) To compare the views of a parent and a doctor. C. (C) To contrast the opinions of two parents. D. (D) To argue against spanking one’s children. [单选题]关于自动滤机日常运行检查的内容包括:滤机进口温度、压力、吻合面工作状态和()等。
A.滤板数量 B.滤机顶紧压力 C.过滤速度 D.滤机卸渣情况 [多选题]电能表、采集终端( )与( )时,宜断开各方面电源(含辅助电源)。
A.装拆 B.调试 C.安装 D.设置 [多项选择]胸部化脓症患者,术前体位排痰,正确的是()。
A. 肺脓肿及支气管扩张患者,术前每日体位排痰 B. 每日饮水量1500ml C. 根据病变位置,支气管开口方向,摆好患者体位 D. 利用重力作用协助排痰 E. 待体温正常,每日脓痰少于50ml时,才考虑手术治疗 [单项选择]下列关于多能造血干细胞的叙述,哪项是错误的()
A. 在特定条件下,可在脾内形成造血细胞结节 B. 存在于骨髓和血液中,形态和淋巴细胞相似 C. 既能产生骨髓干细胞,又能产生淋巴干细胞 D. 具有高度的自我更新能力和向下进一步分化的能力 E. 造血干细胞来源于造血祖细胞 [多选题]根据《消防员管理规定》,消防员入职训练遵循()的原则
A.按纲施训 B.训战一致 C.以人为本 D.快速高效 [单选题]下列属于消防安全重点单位的是( ) 。
A.住院床位在40张以上的医院 B.学生住宿床位在100张以上的学校 C.县级以上的党委、人大、政府、政协 D.生产易燃易爆化学物品的工厂 [多选题]根据现行宪法规定,在下列哪些情形下公民有权获得物质帮助? (1分)
A.年老时 B.疾病时 C.遭受自然灾害时 D.丧失劳动能力时 [单选题]2.99. 第99题 公司及所属单位安全监督部门是基建安全事件调查、处理的归口管理部门,负责基建安全事件的统计、上报
工作,统一对外发布( )信息。 A.培训 B.安全 C.业务 D.财务 [多选题]多选题:下列哪些是灭火器的检查内容( )。
A.是否达到送修条件和维修期限 B.灭火器的筒体是否无明显的损伤 C.灭火器的零部件是否齐全 D.灭火器喷射软管是否完好 [单项选择]______ news and current affairs, I hardly watch any television.
A. Aside from B. Regardless of C. In the face of D. So far as [简答题]简述中国古代教学的主要原则和方法。
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