Benjamin Franklin was the greatest
early American leader never to become president of the United States, but he
served in many other crucial positions for the colonies and the American
government. He was a great reader and did more to promote books and reading
among the public of his time than any other person born within what became the
United States. He founded a social library open to association members; he
published his own works and books by others; he founded and published newspapers. Unlike many other colonial leaders, Franklin was egalitarian, tolerant, believed strongly in democracy, and was a rabid opponent of slavery, long before such ideas were common or acceptable in most social circles. Franklin also had an almost religious belief in the value of the written word. Benjamin A. A politician B. An inventor C. A writer D. A president [单项选择]《巴塞尔协议》规定商业银行的附属资本占风险资产的比重不得高于()。
A. 2% B. 4% C. 6% D. 8% [单项选择]BSP方法中,数据类分为四大类,下列中( )记录资源状况。
A. 存档类 B. 计划类 C. 事务类 D. 统计类 [填空题]在动力换挡变速箱中,轴上空转的齿轮与轴的接合和分离是通过()实现的。
[多选题] 关于和解的说法,正确的有( )
A.当事人申请仲裁后,达成和解协议的,可以撤回仲裁申请 B.和解协议具有强制执行力 C. 民事诉讼第一审普通程序中,当事人达成和解协议的,应继续进行诉讼程序 D. 民事诉讼第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,不适用和解 E.当事人申请仲裁后,达成和解协议的,可以请求仲裁庭根据和解协议作出裁决书 [单项选择]St. Petersburg, the very name brings to mind some of Russia’s greatest poets, writers and composers: Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky. The 19th century was a golden age for St. Petersburg’s wealthy classes. It was a world of ballets and balls, of art and literature, of tea and caviar.
The golden age ended with the advent of World War I. Working people were growing more and more discontented. In 1917, Communism came, promising peace and prosperity. St. Petersburg had become Petrograd in 1914. People wanted a Russian name for their city. Ten years later, the city’s name changed again, this time to Leningrad. Then in 1991, Leningraders voted to restore the city’s original name. Some people opposed the name change altogether. Others thought it was just too soon. Old, run-down Soviet Leningrad, they said, was not the St. Petersburg of 19th-century literature. What, then, is St. Petersburg In the confusing post-Communist world, no one really knows. The quiet, if Soviet-style, A. St. Petersburg. B. Petrograd. C. Leningrad. D. Vasilievsky. [填空题]新中国成立初期,为了从篮球理论与实践两方面培训篮球专门人才,先后从苏联聘请了两名篮球专家,他们是()和(),分别在()和()培训教练员、运动员和()。
A.大件行李存放处 B.车厢最后一排座椅后空当处 C.动卧列车预留包厢 D.集装件专用存放柜 [多选题]零售客户经营状态标记为“正常经营”需要满足哪些条件?( )
A.签订入网协议 B.具备卷烟订货及供应条件 C.可持续正常开门开展卷烟零售业务 D.未因违法违规行为实施中止履行入网协议 我来回答: 提交