Allergies cause heaps of trouble. Some
people suffer the nuisance of seasonal hay fever, snuffling and sneezing as
pollen flows through the air. Others react to materials such as metals,
developing unpleasant rashes at their very touch. And some sorry souls go into
shock at the mere presence of certain foods, particularly peanuts and
shellfish. The cause in each case is an oversensitive immune system that is reacting to harmless materials as well as to the pathogens it is supposed to be fighting. This creates annoying and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. Chronically over-reactive immune systems may not, though, be an entirely bad thing. Another role played by the immune system is to destroy malignant tumours before they take hold—and work carried out recently by Annette Wigertz of the Karolinska Institute, in Stockhol A. that allergic reactions can be either good or bad. B. that it’s still early to draw any conclusion. C. that allergies may suppress the growth of tumor. D. that they are not quite sure about the consequence of their study. [单项选择]随着时代变迁,摩天大楼能耗过大、维护成本过高、影响环境等多种弊端,促使人们重新______超高建筑的必要性和合理性,世界上许多著名城市都对建设超高建筑保持______态度,并用严格的规划控制城市建筑高度,力求制定更为科学合理的城市规划,______绿色宜居可持续的城市发展理念。
依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 审视 谨慎 践行 B. 论证 反对 坚持 C. 反思 消极 扩大 D. 批判 保守 发展 [单项选择]Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news.The rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Washington DC
A. is lower than other areas in the US. B. is even higher than some African nations. C. is about 20% of the city population. D. has decreased in the past two years. [多选题]房地产掮客在1840年鸦片战争以后应运而生,其活动的范围十分广泛,包括( )。
A.买卖 B.拍卖 C.租赁 D.贷款 E.抵押 [单选题]项目投资超过可行性研究估算(),项目实施单位分析原因提出调整建议和理由。
A.5%及以上 B.10%及以上 C.15%及以上 D.20%及以上 [填空题]镀锌钢绞线 7 股断 2 股以上,可用()修补。
[单选题]流量基本方程式是根据流体力学中的( )和流体连续性方程式推导而得的。
A.A.动量方程 B.B.能量方程 C.C.伯努利方程 D.D.状态方程 [多选题]党章规定,党的各级纪律检查委员会的主要任务是()。
A.维护党的章程和其他党内法规 B.检查党的路线、方针、政策和决议的执行情况 C.协助党的委员会推进全面从严治党 D.加强党风建设和组织协调反腐败工作 我来回答: 提交