In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the (61) half of the 19th century; most of (62) were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U. S. , the day-nursery movement received great (63) during the First World War, when (64) of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented (前所未有) numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established (65) in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. (66) the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose (67) , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War, (68) , Federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control (69) the day nurseries, chiefly by (70) them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries. The (71) of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost
A. by
B. after
C. of
D. for
{{B}}Telecommuter portrait: editing facts by fax{{/B}} Jennifer Porter is the managing editor of Healthcare, a publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association. {{U}} (29) {{/U}}her private office in her Virginia home, she assigns{{U}} (30) {{/U}}to ten articles for each issue of the magazine. The writers send her their stories on a computer disk, usually{{U}} (31) {{/U}}means of an overnight delivery service. Porter checks than and then sends them{{U}} (32) {{/U}}the designer’s office in New York. Porter’s biggest problem{{U}} (33) {{/U}}electronic publishing is tr [多项选择]下列关于附条件的合同和附期限的合同的说法,正确的有()。
A. 附生效条件的合同,自条件成就时生效,当事人为自己的利益不正当地阻止条件成就的,视为条件不成就 B. 附解除条件的合同,自条件成就时失效,当事人为自己的利益不正当地促成条件成就的,视为条件不成就 C. 附生效期限的合同,自期限届至时生效 D. 附终止期限的合同,自期限届满时失效 E. 附条件的合同和附期限的合同均为效力待定的合同 [单项选择]所谓中药的剂量,一般是()
A. 单味药成人一日量 B. 单味药成人一次量 C. 单味药小儿一日量 D. 单味药小儿一次量 E. 一剂药的分量 [多选题]影响爆炸极限的主要因素有初始温度、初始压力、( )等
A.惰性介质及杂质 B.混合物中的氧含量 C.容器的大小 D.点火源 [多选题]下列哪种毒品为人工合成毒品( )
A.鸦片 B.冰毒 C.K粉 D.摇头丸 [单选题]当单车拖曳另一辆挂车时,该组合车辆的车型按照____主车一个类别的车型分类标准执行。( )
A.低于 B.等于 C.少于 D.高于 我来回答: 提交