Questions 11~15
For one brief moment in April, Larry Ellison came within a few dollars of being the richest man in the world. The computer tycoon was holding a global conference call on a Wednesday morning, when the value of his company surged. It was the moment he almost overtook Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, as the wealthiest on the planet. For a few seconds, as share of traders marked Microsoft down and Oracle up, Ellison came within US $ 200,000 of Gates. The self-proclaimed "bad boy" of Silicon Valley found himself worth more than US $ 52 billion, up from a mere US $10 billion this time last year. Then Microsoft’s share price, which had plunged in recent weeks, recovered and the moment passed. Once, Ellison, founder of the software company Oracle, would have danced around his desk cursing like a pirate at fa A. (A) comes from a strong family B. (B) has a poor father C. (C) does not spend much on charity D. (D) was born in California [单项选择]郁证的病理基础是()。
A. 食郁化火 B. 气机郁滞 C. 心神失养 D. 肝失疏泄 E. 湿郁生痰 [判断题]箕斗提升大多采用自动装、卸载,因此开车、停车信号的发送方式,一般应具备既能手动发送,又能自动发送的功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
[填空题]某线路( ),月实际收入702192人次,实际完成公里为174000千米,该线路千车人次为( )。
() A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于民用爆破器材、烟花爆竹企业工厂选址和厂房建设方面的防火防爆措施说法不正确的是( )。
A. 厂房的人均使用面积不少于3.5平方米 B. 特别危险的工序隔离操作,A级危险厂房单间独立设置,必须连建时应用墙隔离 C. 厂房主通道宽不少于1.2m,其他通道宽度不少于1.0m D. 厂房门应向外开、门内无插销、门宽不少于1.2m [判断题] 自动埋弧焊机按照工作需要,做成不同的型式。常见的型式有:焊车式、悬挂式、机床式、悬臂式、门架式等,其中使用最普遍的是MZ-1000焊机。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]院内感染是指患者()发生的感染。
A. 健脾温肾,涩肠止泻 B. 解肌,清热,止泻 C. 清热燥湿,行气止痛 D. 补中益气,健脾和胃 E. 健脾和胃,涩肠止泻 我来回答: 提交