Even to his contemporaries, Rochester
was a legendary figure One of the youngest and most handsome courtiers of the
restored Charles Ⅱ. he was the favorite of a king whose wit, lasciviousness and
serious intellectual interests he shared. He was banished from court several
times, but Charles’s pleasure in his conversation always resulted in his recall.
His authentic adventures included the attempted abduction of an heiress (whom he
later married), smashing a phallic-shaped sundial in the royal gardens during a
drunken celebrity, and a violent quarrel with the watch at Epsom in which one of
his companions was killed. Quite apart from his reputation as a poet. he was feted in the writings of his friends, notably in Sir George Etherege’s comedy, "The Man of Mode". Just before he died in 1680. at the age of 33. destro A. crucial in the development of English verse satire B. a comedy writer C. Boileau’s student D. an important model for later poets [简答题]炉水泵运行中马达腔温度高,应从哪几个方面检查原因?
A. 易感者 B. 传染途径 C. 传染源 D. 人群集聚场所 E. 生活条件低劣 [单项选择]进行甲乙两地1995年5种不同类型病毒性肝炎发病率的比较,宜采用()。
A. 直方图 B. 直条图 C. 线图 D. 圆形图 E. 散点图 [单项选择]离合器的主动部分不包括()。
A. 飞轮 B. 离合器盖 C. 压盘 D. 摩擦片 [单项选择]足月妊娠时的羊水量约为().
A. 100ml B. 800ml C. 600ml D. 400ml E. 300ml [单选题]普速空调旅客列车硬座车消防锤数量配备为( )个。
A.5 B.7 C.8 D.9 [多选题]某公司会计将销售残次品的收入单独设置账簿进行核算,以备公司职工搞活动作为活动经费使用。关于该公司的做法,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.该公司的做法属于私设会计账簿的行为 B.该公司的做法违反了会计法律制度的规定,应由省级以上财政部门责令其限期改正 C.该公司的做法没有违反会计法律制度 D.对该项行为可以对单位处3000元以上5万元以下的罚款 [单选题]尿路造影检查呈蜘蛛足样改变的是:
A.肾结核 B.肾盂癌 C.成人型多囊肾 D.肾脓肿 E.肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 [单选题]国家对危险化学品的生产、储存实行( )制度。
A.审批 B.审查 C.许可 D.资质认证 [填空题] 道路交通事故救援时,严禁在( )、( )、( )站人,防止二次伤害。
[单选题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定:事故发生单位及其有关人员在事故调查中作伪证或者指使他人作伪证或事故发生后逃匿的;,对事故发生单位处( )的罚款。
A.20万元以上50万元以下 B.50万元以上100万元以下 C.100万元以上200万元以下 D.100万元以上500万元以下 [单选题]
301 下列哪一个命令可以修改设备名字为 huawei?( ) A.下列哪一个命令可以修改设备名字为 huawei?( ) B.下列哪一个命令可以修改设备名字为 huawei?( ) C.下列哪一个命令可以修改设备名字为 huawei?( ) D.下列哪一个命令可以修改设备名字为 huawei?( ) 我来回答: 提交