When we think of entrepreneurs, most of
us imagine{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, successful, over-achievers like Bill Gates
of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Jim Boyle of Columbia
Sportswear, to{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a few contemporary heroes. The{{U}}
(69) {{/U}}is that we often fail to{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}entrepreneurs all around us: the corner grocery store owner, the
family{{U}} (71) {{/U}}who opens a medical{{U}} (72) {{/U}}in
our neighborhood, or the young person who{{U}} (73) {{/U}}the morning
paper.{{U}} (74) {{/U}}is creating business opportunities{{U}} (75)
{{/U}}entrepreneurship, although the{{U}} (76) {{/U}}of
entrepreneurship would be markedly different from each other. According to
Jeffery Timmons, author of "New Venture Creation", there are three{{U}} (77)
{{/U}}components for a successful new{{U}} (78) {{ A. project B. attempt C. venture D. risk [单项选择]菌斑作为牙周病始动因子的证据不包括()
A. 实验性龈炎观察 B. 牙菌斑在去除后会不断地形成,一般12小时便可被菌斑显示剂着色 C. 流行病学调查结果 D. 机械清除菌斑或抗菌治疗有效 E. 动物实验研究 [单选题] 邻近铁路营业线进行( ),影响营业线设备稳定、使用和行车安全的工程施工,列为A类施工,必须纳入铁路局集团公司月度施工计划。
A.吊装作业时侵入营业线设备安全限界的施工 B.邻近营业线进行现浇梁、钢板桩等施工的设备和材料翻落后侵入营业线设备安全限界的施工 C.营业线路堑地段有可能发生物体坠落,翻落侵入营业线设备安全限界的施工 D.开挖基坑、降水和挖孔桩施工 [单项选择]位于股前区,髌底上2寸,股外侧肌与股直肌肌腱之间的腧穴是()
A. 血海 B. 梁丘 C. 归来 D. 扶突 E. 条口 [单选题]某控制系统中,为使控制作用具有预感性,需要引入( )调节规律。
A.PD B.PI C.P D.I [判断题]在连续运行分析法中,一个观测者只能观测一个作业者或者一台设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]We need to follow the lead of Britain's families and put in the hard work to renew the contract between the generations.You don't get a better Britain by chance-you have to build it.Nor are we likely to overcome the divides facing our country by accident-we have to unify it.But when it comes to ensuring that Britain works for all generations,young and old,as a society we too often leave il to chance,something families would never do.The giving and taking of the generational contract,in which we support young and old,feels like the natural order of things.Cont.ributing when we can and being looked after when in need is what we do every day as 14 million parents bring up their children.And just as that contract underpins our families,it has long underpinned our socieLy and welfare state.But this intergeneraLional conLiact is under pressure.We are already failing to provide the social care our older generations deserve,need and expect.And this is before the real pressures,and a~24bn bill,from delivering on our health and care obligations in an ageing society arrive in the next decade.Solution after solution has been panned,binned or pushed into the long grass by government after government.The need co renew our intergenerational conLract is clear and urgenl,bul doing so is far from easy.It requires new thinking and tough trade-offsPfrom how we deal wich the fiscal pressures of an ageing society in a way that is generationally fair,to how we deliver the housing young people need while respecting the communities everyone values.And the polit,ics are far from straightforward.Renewal should involve an agenda appealing to all generations,but voters'party preferences have never been so starkly divided by age.This state of affairs-with the Conservatives reliant on older people who are most likely to vote,and Labour sitting on a lead amongst younger generations who represent the fucure of British elections-is not desirable for the parties themselves or our counlry as a whole.We need our political leaders co rise to this challenge with an appeal to all generations.It can be done,as the forthcoming final report of the Incergenerational Comm]ssion will lay out.We can deliver the health and care older generations deserve,withoul simply asking younger workers to bear all the costs.We can do more to promote educacion and skills,especially for those who have not chosen on the university route.We can provide more security for yoimg people,from the jobs they do to the homes they renL.And we can show younger generations thal owning a home is a realit,y not a dislanl prospect in 21st-century Britain.Such an appeal across generations is che route to building a better Bricain-and a more united one,too.
What does the real pressure that the inter-generational contract is facing refer to?
A.The new contract is unable to unclerpin families in Britain. B.Seniors can't recelve corresponding support from the government. C.The impending aging society will lead to great expenditure. D.The government can't find a satisfying solution to ils social conflicls. [单选题]裂化是指有机化合物在高温下分子发生分解的反应过程,分为热裂化、催化裂化、加氢裂化。热裂化存在的主要危险性是()。
A.裂化过程产生大量的裂化气,遇明火会发生爆炸 B.裂化过程中,活化催化剂不正常时,可能出现可燃的一氧化碳气体 C.裂化过程中,若温度过高或落人少量水,容易引起突沸冲料或爆炸 D.裂化过程中,生成过氧化物副产物,它们的稳定性差,遇高温或受撞击、易分解,造成燃烧或爆炸 [单选题] 电气工作票不包括( )。
A.变电站第一种工作票 B.变电站第二种工作票 C.变电站第三种工作票 D.变电站第四种工作票 [单选题]当发现低压配电箱、金属计量箱箱体带电时,应( )。
A.继续工作 B.等待几分钟后再试一试 C.断开上一级电源,查明带电原因,并作相应处理 D.取消工作 [单选题]在Excel中,各运算符号的优先级由高到低的顺序为().
A.A:算术运算符,关系运算符,文 本运算符 B.B:算术运算符,文本运算符,关 系运算符 C.C:关系运算符,文本运算符,算 术运算符 D.D:文本运算符,算术运算 符,关系运算 我来回答: 提交