Passage 2 Every year, the American Lung Association (ALA) releases its annual report card on smog, and every year it gives an "F" to over half the nation’s counties and cities. When ALA’s "State of the Air 2002" recently came out, dozens of credulous local journalists once again took the bait, ominously reporting that their corner of the nation received a failing grade. The national coverage was no better, repeating as fact ALA’s statement that it is "gravely concerned" about air quality, and neglecting to solicit the views of even one scientist with a differing view. Too bad, because this report card says a lot less about actual air quality than it does about the tactics and motives of the ALA. The very fact that 60 percent of counties were given an ’F’ seems to be alarmist. This is particularly true given that smog levels have been trending downward A. the regulations about smog have proved effective B. new regulations are necessary to deal with smog C. smog problems have actually become less serious D. the federal smog standard has been rather low [单选题]护患关系根据其发展过程可依次分为
A.初期、工作期、结束期 B.一期、二期、三期 C.熟悉期、确定期、解决期 D.熟悉期、开拓期、解决期 E.熟悉期、确定期、开拓期 [单选题]胸腔积液在何种情况下可叩出Damoiseau曲线?
A. 少量积液 B. 中量积液伴胸膜粘连 C. 蜂窝状积液 D. 中等量积液无胸膜增厚,粘连 E. 大量胸腔积液 [填空题]A—airport tax B—duty free shop
C—attendant D—pressure cooker E—heart attack F—heart disease G—dentist H—blood pressure I—eyesight test J—surgery K—lung cancer L—CEO M—generation gap N—part-time job O—health products P—advertising media ( )代沟 ( )兼职工作 [名词解释]交易方程式
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]基准混凝土配合比要求,掺入泵送剂的混凝土,其砂率为( )。
A. 35% B. 40% C. 42% D. 45% [判断题]马克思运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的立场、观点、方法,揭开了人的本质之谜。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何人员发现有违反《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》的,应立即制止,经()后方可恢复工作。
A.纠正 B.培训 C.处罚 D.检讨 [单选题]氨制冷系统安装时,油包或放油口在设备一端的贮液器、卧式蒸发器等设备,安装应坡向放油包或油口的坡度是( )。
A.2/10 B.2/100 C.2/1000 [填空题]直流传动机车定期检修的修程分为大修、中修、小修和( )。
[单选题]提速道岔断相保护器DBQX输出电压为直流( )。
A.16V~24V B.17.5V~28V C.24V~28V D.28V~32V [单选题]关于急性白血病化疗原则下列说法哪种不合适?
A.主张早期、联合、分阶段、间歇用药的原则 B.间歇用药是化疗后间休2-3周,正常造血得到恢复,然后再进行下疗程化疗 C.缓解后治疗可再分为巩固强化治疗和维持治疗 D.急非淋白血病主张维持治疗2-3年。 [单选题]2.34545……不是()。
A.有限小数 B.循环小数 C.无限无数 D.小数 [单选题]尖轨密贴调整片的位置在()之间
A.锁闭铁和锁闭框 B.尖轨连接铁与尖轨间 [单选题]经济学家提出模型的主要理由是( )。
A.一个模型为验证一种假设所必需 B.一个模型可帮助弄清和组织对一个论点的思考过程 C.一个模型为决定一个指数所必需 D.只有模型中才可使用实际变量 [单选题]待偿还余额不得超过企业净资产的40%的非金融企业债务融资工具包括( )。
A.A:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅴ B.B:Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ C.C:Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ D.D:Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ E.E:Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ [单选题]从钢轨外侧算起,通行铰接汽车道口两侧道路的平台长度为( )。
A.20m B.16m C.10m D.8m [单选题]过滤式防毒面具使用时,有毒气体区域的氧含量不得低于()%,有毒气体含量不得高于( )。
A. 17%.1% B. 18%.2% C. 16%.1% D. 19%.3% [多项选择]下列说法中无须任职回避的有:
A. 张某与李某是夫妻,二人在同一人民法院任审判员 B. 甲是乙的父亲,甲在湖北省人民法院任审判员,乙在武汉市人民法院任助理审判员 C. 李文、李武是亲兄弟,同在一人民法院任职,李文是书记员,李武是审判员 D. 张某是吴某的表弟,张某在黑龙江省高级人民法院任副院长,吴某在大庆市人民法院任审判员 [判断题]S7-200 PLC属于小型高档模块式结构。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()提供的正确与否是正确选择压井液密度的关键。(五类)(七类)
A.地层压力 B.液柱压力 C.井底压力 D.井口压力 [单项选择] Only two animals have entered the human household otherwise than as prisoners and become domesticated by other means than those of enforce servitude (束缚): the dog and the cat. Two things they have in common, namely, that both belong to the order of carnivores and both serve man in their capacity of hunters.
In all other characteristics, above all in the manner of their association with man, they are as different as the night from the day. There is no domestic animal which has so rapidly altered its whole way of living, indeed its whole sphere of interests, that has become domestic in so true a sense as the dog; and there is no animal that, in the course of its century-old association with man, has altered so little as the cat. There is some truth in the assertion that the cat, with the exception of a few luxury breeds, such as Angoras, Persians and Siamese, is no domestic animal but a completely wild being. Maintaining its full independence, it has taken up its abode in the ho
A. people can use them for hunting B. they are associated with man closely C. they have the same way of living D. they are equally liked by people [单选题]按人类反应形态分类,下列护理诊断不正确的归类是( )
A.母乳喂养有效属于交换 B.绝望属于感知 C.社区应对无效属于选择 D.睡眠形态紊乱属于移动 E.有孤独的危险属于关系 [多选题]消防救援人员必须遵守公共秩序和交通规则,遵守职业道德和社会公德( )
A.不得赌博、打架斗殴,不得参加迷信活动 B.不得猬集街头、嬉笑打闹和喧哗 C.可以参加宗教组织和宗教活动, D.不得酗酒,不得违规喝酒 [单项选择]
若在一个正弦(或非正弦)信号周期内取若干个点的值,取点的多少以能恢复原信号为依据,再将每个点的值用若干位二进制数码表示,这就是用数字量表示模拟量的方法。将模拟量转换为数字信号的介质为模/数转换器(ADC)。数字影像则是将模拟影像分解成有限个小区域,每个小区域中影像密度的平均值用一个整数表示。也就是说,数字化图像是由许多不同密度的点组成的,每个点内的密度是一均值。图像矩阵是一个整数值的二维数组。图像矩阵的大小一般根据具体的应用和成像系统的容量决定,一幅图像中包含的像素数目等于图像矩阵行与列数的乘积。 512×512表示()A. 矩阵 B. 像素值 C. 图像的灰阶数 D. 图像的位数 E. 视野 [判断题]应急照明应依据《消防应急照明和疏散指示系统》(GB 17945-2010)相关规定进行设置;应急灯具应符合《特殊要求 应急照明灯具》(GB7000.2-2008)的相关要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于慢性胃窦胃炎,下列临床表现哪项不正确
A.不引起恶性贫血 B.消化道症状多见 C.常与溃疡病同在 D.血清壁细胞抗体多为阳性 E.可有上消化道出血 [填空题]加工弯曲工件时,应尽量使弯曲线与板料纤维方向()。
A. 不溶性颗粒 B. 碘值 C. 酸值 D. 皂化值 E. 装量差异 [简答题] From what has been said, it must be clear that no one can make
very positive statements about how language originated.
There is no material in any language today and in the earliest (S1) _________
records of ancient languages shows us language in a new and (S2) _________
emerging state. It is often said, of course, that the language (S3) _________
originated in cries of anger, fear, pain and pleasure, and the necessary (S4) _________
evidence is entirely lacking: there are no remote tribes, no ancient
records, providing evidence of a language with a large proportion of (S5) _________
such cries than we find in English. It is true that the absence
of such evidence does not disprove the theory, but in other grounds (S6) _________
too the theory is not very attractive. People of all races and languages
make rather similar noises in return to pain or pleasure. The fact that (S7) _______
[判断题]个人独资企业登记事项发生变更时,未按照规定办理变更登记的,处以3000元以下的罚款。 ( )
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