Many objects in daily use have clearly
been influenced by science. However, their form and function, their dimensions
and appearance, were determined by technologists, designers, inventors, and
engineers using nonscientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities of
the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous
verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal
process, pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or
thermos-dynamics (热动力学), because they were first the picture in the minds of
those. The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might express individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually u A. A.strengthened when they include courses in design B.weakened by the courses designed to develop mathematical skills C.weak because they include some non-scientific components D.strong despite the absence of nonscientific modes of thinking [单选题]钻具浮阀是由( )及本体组成。
A.浮阀芯 B.钢球 C.旋转开关 D.专用扳手 [单项选择]某企业月初结存材料的计划成本为250万元,材料成本差异为超支差45万元;当月入库材料的计划成本为550万元,材料成本差异为节约差85万元;当月管理部门领用材料的计划成本为600万元。当月管理部门领用材料的实际成本为( )万元。
A. 502.5 B. 570 C. 630 D. 697.5 [判断题]发动机气门出现敲击声的原因是间隙过小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一位研究者选择100名新生儿黄疸患儿,同时在该院选择了100名未患此病的新生儿,然后查阅婴儿母亲的妇科和分娩记录,以确定产前和分娩中的各种暴露因素,该方法属于()。
A. 现况研究 B. 病例-对照研究 C. 队列研究 D. 临床试验研究 E. 社区干预试验 [单选题]
已知等差数列{an}中,a1=2,a2=4,则a4=( ) A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 [单选题]齐步走行进速度每分钟( )步
A.116~122 B.110~116 C.170~180 D.102~108 [填空题] 临时变更走行线时,应通知司机经路( ),司机按( )或扳道员显示的允许运行的信号行车。 J304
靠保护必须( ) A.S1、高于S2 B.S1、等于S2 C.S1、低于S2 D.S1、相交于S2 [填空题]敌百虫中毒时禁忌用()洗胃。
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