Should A Kid Be Guided to Tell a White
Lie It’s my family’s tradition to exchange girls on Christmas Eve. Before we did so, I whispered to my uncle and his wife, "Just want you to know: I think what I got you is really cool, so just tell me you like it, no matter what, okay " I know that sounds rude, but there’s another Christmas custom in my family: we give each other weird gifts. There is a sweet reason for this. My grandparents grew up during the Depression, and there were years when they had no gifts at all. So my grandmother and her siblings(兄弟姐妹) would gift-wrap their old socks and clothes, just so they had something to open on Christmas. Pretend presents were better than none at all. My grandmother never really got over those early years, so, for the rest of her A. To see how kids respond to unwanted gifts. B. To test kids’ ability to refuse their dislikes. C. To study how parents react to kids’ lies. D. To check how polite the kids are. [单选题]"卷钢应使用( )和C62AK等敞车装载。优先选用平车和专用车装运卷钢,优先采用立装方式装运卷钢,优先使用钢座架卧装卷钢。
A.平车 B.铁地板平车 C.木地板平车 D.长大货物车" [单项选择]在发掘一处西汉晚期墓葬时,考古人员发现了一个“异象”,一般这一时期的墓葬随葬陶器都在7件以上,而该墓葬的随葬陶器只有2件,且没有钱币、铜镜等物。考古人员推测,有可能是凶杀、暴毙一类的意外身亡导致墓主人的葬礼匆忙而简单。以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述推测?()
A. 考古人员同时发现,该墓室墙壁也比同时期的其他墓葬的墓室墙壁薄 B. 在古代,如果不是皇室成员或者王公贵族,葬礼都十分简单 C. 被刺身亡的埃及法老图坦卡蒙的墓葬规格小于其他自然死亡的法老的墓葬规格 D. 据史料记载,自西周以来我国民间就有非正常死亡丧事从简的传统 [单项选择]当两总体确有差异时,按规定的检验水准α所能发现该差异的能力,称为
A. Ⅰ型错误 B. Ⅱ型错误 C. 1-α D. β+1 E. 1-β [单项选择]GOONHILLY网络协调站是C系统()洋区NCS
A. IOR和POR B. IOR和AOR-E C. AOR-E和AOR-W D. POR和AOR-W [多项选择]为了实现经济和社会安全发展,将()的四项指标纳入了国家统计指标体系。
A. 亿元国内生产总值生产安全事故死亡率 B. 道路交通万车死亡率 C. 工矿商贸企业十万从业人员生产安全事故死亡率 D. 百万吨煤炭死亡率 E. 自然灾害事故十万居民死亡率 [判断题]调车作业未撤除防护信号动车,但未碰轧防护信号,不列为事故。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交