Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg {{/B}} I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City. in mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service’s Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003, This, the most recent version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit... The number of birds must not A. By boat. B. By bus. C. By air. D. By tube and rail. [判断题]施工单位应当在施工现场显著位置公告危大工程名称、施工时间和具体责任人员,并在危险区域设置安全警示标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]寄生辐射指的是监控天线信号中的60Hz调幅信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《安规》第3.5.5条,乙炔瓶不得靠近热源和电器设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]声屏障的使用年限规定,正常使用条件下H型钢立柱、螺栓为( )年,非金属单元板、铝合金复合吸声板、透明隔声板为( )年,橡胶部件为10年。
A.30,10 B.40,20 C.50,25 D.60,30 [单项选择]罗马法是留给人类的宝贵遗产。下列司法理念中,明显违背罗马法原则的是()
A. 被告在被确认犯罪之前是无罪的 B. 被告有权利在法庭上同原告对质 C. 主要按照以往的习惯和判例进行判决 D. 主要按照法律和法学家解释进行判决 [单选题]( )是指按照是否实际收到现金为标准,而不是企业经济业务是否实际发生来确认 收入和费用。
A.权责发生制 B.配比原则 C.收付实现制 D.收付现金制 [多选题]( )存放于指定安全位置上锁,与其它类拾遗物品分开存放,避免混乱;其余物品存放于“失物招领中心”指定货架位置。
A.服饰类 B.现金首饰类 C.贵重电子产品类 D.证件类 我来回答: 提交