A small group of Internet security specialists gathered in Singapore to start up a global system to make e-mail and e-commerce more secure, end the rapid growth of passwords and raise the bar significantly for Internet fraud, spies and troublemakers.
The Singapore event included an elaborate technical ceremony to create and then securely store numerical keys that will be kept in three hardened data centers there, in Zurich and in San Jose, Calif. The keys and data centers are working parts of a technology known as Secure DNS, or DNSSEC. DNS refers to the Domain Name System, which is a directory that connects names to numerical Internet addresses. Preliminary work on the security system had been going on for more than a year, but this was the first time the system went into operation, even though it is not quite complete.
The three centers are fortresses made up of five layers of physical, electronic and cryptographic security, making it virtually impossible to dam
A. is still on the drawing board
B. can put an end to Internet fraud
C. has won specialists much acclaim
D. has multi-advantages over previous ones
As long as her parents can remember,
13-year-old Katie Hart has been talking about going to college. Her mother,
Tally, a financial-aid officer at an Ohio university, knows all too well the
daunting calculus of paying for a college education. Last year the average
yearly tuition at a private, four-year school climbed 5.5 percent to more than
$17,000. The Harts have started saving, and figure they can afford a public
university without a problem. But what if Katie applies to Princeton (she’s
threatening), where one year’s tuition, room and board — almost $34,000 in 2002
— will cost more than some luxury cars Even a number cruncher like Tally admits
it’s a little scary, especially since she’ll retire and Katie will go to college
at around the same time. Paying for college has always been a humbling endeavor. The good news A. The Harts like a public university better than a private one. B. It is much easier to pay the tuition at present. C. All students can get the subsidized loans. D. Traditional scholarships are still attractive to some families. [多选题]水带的压力损失与( )有关。( 中 )
A.水带内壁的粗糙度 B.水带长度和直径 C.水带磨损程度 D.水带铺设方式 E.水带内的流量 [单项选择]
A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers (消费者) will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending. [单项选择]对于各种EJB生命周期描述错误的是()
A. 实体bean有三种状态,不存在,在pool中,就绪 B. 有状态会话bean实例有三种状态,不存在,就绪和钝化 C. 无状态会话bean实例两种状态,不存在和就绪 D. 消息bean就两种状态:不存在就绪和钝化 [判断题]各类抱杆、钢丝绳、跨越架、脚手杆(管)、脚手板、紧固件等受力工器具以及防护用具等均应存放在干燥、通风处,并符合防腐、防火等要求。工程开工或间歇性复工前应进行检查,合格方可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]就餐时保持肃静,餐毕自行离开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]世界上已知的有一定规模的油田,都是在____分布区发现的。
A.沉积岩 B.岩浆岩 C.变质岩 [单项选择]空气压缩机的压力表、安全阀、调节器及储气罐等应定期进行()。
A. 校验 B. 更换 C. 调节 D. 维修 [单选题]陈老先生,脑出血卧床6个月。近日护士发现其右侧骶尾部皮肤发红,并伴有肿胀、发热,患者主诉疼痛,但皮肤未破损。
①此患者右侧骶尾部皮肤表现为压疮的 A. 淤血红期 B. 炎性浸润期 C. 浅度溃疡期 D. 深度溃疡期 E.坏死溃疡期 [简答题]气管
[单选题]决策作为一项重要的管理活动,其特点主要表现在:( )。( )
A.普遍性、选择性和科学性 B.普遍性、选择性和主观性 C.主观性、选择性和科学性 D.普遍性、主观性和科学性 我来回答: 提交