Motivation is "the driving force within individuals that impels them to action." And goals are the sought-after results (1) motivated behavior.
Motivation can be either positive or negative (2) direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition, (3) a driving force away from some object or condition. For example, a person may be impelled toward a restaurant to fulfill a need, hunger, and away (4) an airplane to fulfill a need of safety. Some psychologists refer to positive drives (5) needs, wants or desires, (6) negative drives as fears or aversions. (7) , though negative and positive motivational forces seem to differ dramatically (8) terms of physical and sometimes emotional activity, they are basically similar in (9) they both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior. (10) this reason, researchers often refer (11) both kinds of drives or motives as needs, w
Operation of the Electric Cooker | |
Methods | Notes |
Measure the volume of rice correctly with the provided measuring cup | · The volume of the provided measuring cup is about 0.18kg. · Wash the rice in a separate bowl, then put it into the inner pot. |
Wash the rice, then ad- just water level. Put the inner pot in the body | · Adjust the water volume according to your choice. · Adjust the water level on a level place. Smooth the rice surface. · Wipe the outside of the inner pot dry before putting it in the body. |
Cook | · Select the menu by pressi [单选题].AB045下列阀门中,不具有方向性的是( )。
A.截止阀 B.调节阀 C.止回阀 D.闸阀 [简答题]简述主观听觉评价的分型及各型常见疾病。
A.嘱咐患者作深呼吸 B.将患者头部抬高 C.拔管重插 D.停止片刻,嘱深呼吸再轻轻插入 [单选题]网络和安防设备配置协议及策略应遵循( )。
A.最小化原则 B.最大化原则 C.网络安全原则 D.公用 [判断题]1999年1月13日,教育部《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》的通知指出,实现社会主义现代化,科技是基础。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下杂质检查方法所用的试剂是澄清度的检查
A. 氯化钡试液 B. 酸性氯化亚锡试液 C. 硫酸 D. 硫氰酸铵溶液 E. 硫酸肼溶液 [判断题]医疗保险条款中规定,被保险人已经从社会基本医疗保险或任何第三方(包括任何商业医疗保险)获得相关医疗费用补偿的,保险人仅对扣除已获得补偿后的剩余医疗费用,按照合同约定承担给付保险金责任。
A.工程项目、企业名称 B.事故应急预案的执行情况 C.事故发生原因的初步判断 D.事故发生后采取的措施 E.事故报告单位 [单选题]患者女性,32岁,上腹部节律性疼痛2年,常于过度劳累后诱发。近3天疼痛加剧,突然呕血约500ml。查体:血压90/60mmHg,巩膜无黄染,上腹部无压痛,未触及肝脾。对于目前了解的信息,该患者最有可能是
A.原发性肝癌 B.溃疡癌变 C.溃疡并发出血 D.溃疡并发穿孔 E.肝硬化 [单选题] 经导管栓塞术常见的适应证( )
A.控制出血 B.治疗血管性疾病 C.治疗肿瘤 D.消除病变器官的功能 E.以上都是 [判断题]党的十八届四中全会提出,全面深化改革的总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某公安局督察人员在对其下级公安机关的警务活动进行现场督察时,发现个别执警民警不按规定着装。根据《公安机关督察条例》的规定,督察人员有权对此予以当场纠正。( )
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