In one way of thinking, failure is part
of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The
"spider-story" is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the
thirteenth century, watched a spider spinning a web after trying six times. On
the seventh he made it. Bruce took heart and defeated the English. Edison made
hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make light bulb
(灯泡). So first, always think about your failure. What caused it Were conditions right Were you well prepared What can you change so things will go right next time Second is the goal you’re trying to, reach the right one Try to think about what your real goals may be. Think about: "If I do succeed in this, what can I get from it " The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that it’s a part of life. Learn to "live with A. success B. failure C. the "spider-story" D. the great people [判断题]主变为有载调压变压器且低压侧装有电容器的地市供电局220kV变电站,主变分接头及电容器的调整原则如下:应首先投切电容器,投切电容器后仍无法使电压达到允许范围以内,方进行变压器分接头位置调整。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]假定金融机构的法定准备金率为20%,超额准备金率为2%,现金漏损率为3%,则存款乘数为( )。
A.4.00 B.4.12 C.5.00 D.20.00 [单选题]对于按照规定需要进行第三方监测的危大工程,( )应当委托具有相应勘察资质的单位进行监测。
A.建设单位 B.设计单位 C.施工单位 D.监理单位 [不定项选择题]下列说法不正确的是( )。
A.该车不属于整车合法装载 B.如果该车运输的货物为西红柿则会免费 C.西红柿、圣女果均在国家规定的《鲜活农产品品种目录》内 D.该车若装载80%西红柿,混装不超过20%的圣女果,则可以比照整车合法装载鲜活农产品车辆执行。 [判断题]按冷却效果由大到小排列为:矿石、生铁块、石灰石、废钢。
[单项选择]以下有关房屋理财的说法不正确的是( )。
A. 房屋理财操作复杂 B. 房屋理财通过租金差价获取利润 C. 房屋理财增加了经营者和业主的风险 D. 房屋理财涉及银行业务 [判断题]气瓶从承受压力上分为焊接气瓶和无缝气瓶。
A. 高度的民主性 B. 高度的权威性 C. 齐备的功能性 D. 严谨的秩序性 E. 良好的继承性 [单选题]患者,女,52岁,子宫肌瘤术后。护士按护理程序进行护理。有关预期目标的叙述,下列哪项不正确
A. 一个目标针对一个护理诊断 B. 目标制定应切实可行 C. 目标主语是患者或护士 D. 目标应具体、可测量 E. 目标是护理结果而不是过程 [填空题]An old lady lived in a village went to 76.______
town one Saturday, and after she had bought some fruit and vegetable in the market for 77.______ herself and a friend who was iii, she went into a shop where sold glasses. She tried 78.______ one of glasses, and then another pair, but 79.______ none of them seem to be fight. The 80.______ shopkeeper was a very patient man, 81.______ and after some time he asked the old lady not worry. He also said to her, "Everything 82.______ will all fight in the end. 83.______ It isn’t easily to get the right glasses, 84.______ you know." "No," answered the old lady, "and it is much more difficulty when you are shopping 85.______ for a friend./ [判断题]询问违法嫌疑人时应当认真听取违法嫌疑人的陈述和申辩。对违法嫌疑人的陈述和申辩应当认真核查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为确保涉及结构安全质量事故的处理效果,需由项目监理机构组织进行的工 作是()。
A.检验鉴定 B.编制施工方案 C.专家论证 D.方案竞赛 [单项选择]轴向力平衡机构的作用是()。
A. 增加叶轮刚度 B. 减少叶轮轴向窜动 C. 平衡叶轮进出口压力 D. 减少容积损失 [单项选择]Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Thanks to panic-fueled crisis management by policymakers, it didn’t happen. But after three years of pain and very little economic gain, it may be happening now.
The signs are everywhere. Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, one that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between countries. Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians quarrel over how to control the world’s energy supply. Then there’s the rise of populist politics not only in the U. S. but throughout the rest of the world. All of thi A. global economy is well on its way to full recovery. B. regional economic recovery usually precedes global recovery. C. globalization is not achieving the goal it sets for itself. D. investment usually goes regional before it goes international. [多选题]按照产品特征分类,寡头垄断市场可以分为()。
A.双头市场 B.纯粹寡头行业 C.勾结寡头 D.独立寡头 E.差别寡头行业 [单选题]在进站信号机外制动距离内进站方向为超过( )下坡道的车站,应在正线或到发线的接车方向末端设置安全线。
A.6‰ B.8‰ C.12‰ [单项选择]在软件生命周期法中,( )阶段完成系统的正常运行、硬件和软件的维护以及系统 评价。
A. 系统调查 B. 系统设计 C. 调试测试 D. 运行维护 [单选题]以下不属于国网物资公司在计划管理工作中的主要职责是( )
A.负责公司年度需求预测计划的收集、汇总与统计工作 B.负责公司一级集中采购目录清单内采购计划的收集、汇总与审查工作 C.负责公司两级采购批次安排的初审、协调与监控 D.参与项目的可研、初设审查工作 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,臂章佩戴在( )。
A.上衣左袖肩下四指处 B.上衣右袖肩下四指处 C.左胸口袋上方正中 D.右胸口袋上方正中 [判断题]“欲悲闻鬼叫,我哭豺狼笑。洒泪祭雄杰,扬眉剑出鞘。” “文化大革命”后期,这首有代表
性的诗矛头直指林彪反党集团。() A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交