There’s simple premise behind what
Larry Myers does for a living: If you can smell it, you can find it. Myers is the founder of Auburn University’s Institute for Biological Detection Systems, the main task of which is to chase the ultimate in detection devices--an artificial nose. For now, the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer. But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police, arson(纵火)investigators and food-safety inspectors. The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonable that, within three to five years, we’ll have some workable sensors ready to use. Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists. Police [简答题]雷雨夏季,应制定什么反事故措施?
[判断题]子钟的运行是靠自身系统进行,通过定时接收一级母钟、二级母钟的标准时间信号,将时间指示刷新后与中心一级母钟或二级母钟一致,数显式子钟不可以脱离中心一级母钟或二级母钟单独运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]‗-115.根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》燃煤和其他能源污染防治有关规定,国家鼓励燃煤单位采用先进的( )等大气污染物协同控制的技术和装置减少大气污染物的排放。
A.脱硝 B.脱酸 C.脱汞 D.除尘、脱硫 [判断题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞区段禁停标志牌设置在调谐区外方,距线路中心不小于2900mm、不大于3200mm的位置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空压机不工作辅助发电不发电时,按"( )"方法处理。
A.辅助不发电 B.小复位 C.大复位 [多选题]公安机关拒不作出赔偿决定时, 对哪些情况赔偿请求人可以直接人民向法院提起赔偿诉讼?
A.对甲采取的刑事拘留行为 B.公安人员在派出所对嫖娼人员乙实施的殴打行为 C.对丙作出的治安拘留5日的行为 D.对丁作出的罚款100元的行为 [多选题] 电力市场是指采用经济、法律等手段,本着(____)的原则,对电力系统中发电、输电、供电和用户等环节组织协调运行的管理机制、执行系统和交换关系的总和。
A. 公平竞争 B. 自愿互利 C. 以量取胜 D. 集中能源 我来回答: 提交