For three decades we’ve heard endlessly
about the virtues of aerobic(increasing oxygen consumption)exercise. Medical
authorities have praised running and jumping as the key to good health, and
millions of Americans have taken to the treadmill (踏车) to reap the rewards. But
the story is changing. Everyone from the American Heart Association to the
surgeon general’s office has recently embraced strength training as a complement
to aerobics. And as weight lifting has gone mainstream, so has the once obscure
practice known as "Super Slow" training. Enthusiasts claim that by pumping iron
at a snail’s pace-making each "rep" (repeat) last 14 seconds instead of the
usual seven—you can safely place extraordinary demands on your muscles, and call
forth an extraordinary response. Slow lifting may not be the only exercise you
need, as A. has been misunderstood for decades B. has been widely accepted recently C. has been the basis of weight lifting D. has become the nucleus of aerobics [单项选择]账务处理系统与工资核算系统之间的数据通过( )自动完成。
A. 自动转账凭证 B. 报表传递 C. 自动转账功能 D. U盘传递 [单选题]消防泵在做引水时间试验时,吸水深度不能低于( )米。
A.4 B.6 C.7 D.10.3 [判断题]通过空白实验可以消除偶然误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]视屏监控系统记录信息保存时间不应小于()且保存时间内不可删除。
电压互感器高压熔断器连续熔断5次,应立即停运处理。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]居委会换届选举的法律依据是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]矩形角钢框的变形主要有______。
A. 对角线超差 B. 框边弯曲变形 C. 框架扭曲 D. 旁弯 [单项选择]与Trinder反应无关的测定项目 ()
A. 葡萄糖 B. 尿酸 C. 胆红素 D. 胆固醇 E. 以上皆不是 [单项选择]下列合同中自始没有法律约束力的是( )。
A. 可变更的合同 B. 可撤销的合同 C. 被撤销的合同 D. 无代理权人以他人名义订立的合同 [单选题]钢轨外观及表面伤损检查应采用巡检设备与人工巡视相结合的方式对钢轨外观进行检查。人工巡视检查( )不少于1遍。发现钢轨擦伤、鱼鳞裂纹、磨耗、锈蚀及其他伤损时,应进行复核。
A.每季度 B.每半年 C.每年 D.每月 [单选题]在掌沃通“现场开户”受理流程中,选号环节操作携号转网无需填写以下哪一项?
A.携入号码 B.授权码 C.设置有效期 D.号码运营商 [单选题]空调系统控制器ACSC温度调节分为哪几种?
A.人工调节、自动调节 B.基本温度调节、优化温度调节 C.驾驶舱调节、客舱调节 D.根据发动机功率实时调节 我来回答: 提交