Each year, millions of people in
Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by naturally high levels of
arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a problem.
However, International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This
nongovernmental organization has developed technology to harvest
rainwater. People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe, dependable source of drinking water. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all, it is free. The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the buildings to a two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called "first-flush" A. Rainwater is free of chemical treatments. B. People have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. C. The water harvesting system is built on a platform. D. Rainwater can be collected using pipes. [简答题]简述ZXJ10交换机所具有的高可靠性是如何体现的。
[填空题]River water losses happen mainly because of seepage into shallow or deep rock layers.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]整体吊弦应竖直安装,顺线路方向允许偏斜不得超过()。
A. 20mm B. 30mm C. 50mm D. 100mm [简答题]臣聞之,利不百,不變法;功不十,不易器。
[单选题]牌号为HT200中的"200"是指( )。
A.抗拉强度 B.抗压强度 C.抗弯强度 D.抗冲击韧性 [单选题]1.34.第34题
变压器的三相负荷应力求平衡,不平衡度不应大于15%,只带少量单相负荷的三相变压器,零线电流不应超过 额定电 A.5% B.15% C.25% D.35% [多选题]党的十九大报告指出,青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。青年一代有( ),国家就有前途,民族就有希望。
A.梦想 B.理想 C.本领 D.担当 我来回答: 提交