People in business can use foresight to identify new
products and services, as well as markets for those products and services. An
increase in minority populations in a neighborhood would prompt a grocer with
foresight to stock more foods linked to ethnic tastes. An art museum director
with foresight might follow trends in computer graphics to make exhibits more
appealing to younger visitors. Foresight may reveal potential threats that we can prepare to deal with before they become crises. For instance, a corporate manager with foresight might see an alarming rise in local housing prices that could affect the availability of skilled workers in the region. The public’s changing values and priorities, as well as emerging technologies, demographic shifts, economic constraints (or opportunities), and environmental and resource conc A. The Use of Foresight B. How to exercise Foresight C. Foresight in Business and Government D. The best-known techniques for foresight [多选题]甲3月28日向乙出售自己的汽车,约定甲于5月2日向乙交付并办理过户手续,乙完成过户当天向甲付款。4月1日,甲又同丙签订合同将该汽车出售予丙,当场将该汽车交给丙,但尚未办理汽车过户。根据《合同法》的规定,下列表述错误的是:( )
A.在5月2日前,因为履行期没有届满,乙不得向甲主张违约责任 B.在5月2日后,乙可以向甲主张缔约过失责任,因为合同因标的不能而无效 C.在5月2日前乙不得向甲主张违约责任,因为汽车尚未办理过户,甲仍得履行 D.在5月2日前,乙可以向甲主张默示预期违约的责任 [填空题]()是指在单价和成本水平确定情况下,为确保预先确定的目标利润能够实现,而达到的销售量和销售额的统称。
A.小红细胞低色素性贫血 B.大红细胞低色素性贫血 C.小红细胞高色素性贫血 D.大红细胞高色素性贫血 [单选题]无线调车灯显信号显示绿、红灯交替后绿灯长亮,表示( )信号。
A.连接 B.溜放 C.减速 [判断题]《南昌局集团公司普速旅客列车车门管理规定》(南铁客[2020]239号)规定站车交接原则上应在列车中部交接,站车在相互沟通的基础上,应对交接位置细化到每趟列车车厢号(原则上为列车中部餐车、软卧车厢等处所)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]假神的表现是()
A. 面色荣润,含蓄不露 B. 面色少华,精神不振 C. 面色无华,反应迟钝 D. 喃喃自语,哭笑无常 E. 突然言语不休,想见亲人,但烦躁不安 [单选题]CR400AF系列动车组发生烟火报警(D001~D009、D041~D045)故障时,根据车辆状态行车,司机实施最大常用制动, 250km/h及以下线路限速( )km/h及以下。
A. B.(A)120 C.(B)160 D.(C)200 我来回答: 提交