In America, older people rarely live
with their adult children. But in many other cultures children are expected to
care{{U}} (31) {{/U}}their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the
percentage of adult children who{{U}} (32) {{/U}}with their parents{{U}}
(33) {{/U}}65% to 70%. in Thailand, too, children are expected to look
after their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live{{U}} (34) {{/U}}.
What explains these differences in living arrangements across cultures
Modernization theory{{U}} (35) {{/U}}the extended family to low levels
of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their
children in large extended family units for economic reasons. {{U}} (36)
{{/U}}with modernization, children move to urban areas, {{U}} (37)
{{/U}}old people after in{{U}} (38) {{/U}}rural areas. Yet
modernization theory can’ A. allegedly B. alone C. already D. aloud [单选题]党员的义务之一是党员要自觉遵守党的纪律,模范遵守国家的法律法规,严格保守党和国家的秘密,执行党的决定,服从( ),积极完成党的任务。
A.大局需要 B.组织分配 C.集体利益 D.工作安排 [单选题] “农业银行为了满足对公高端客户的融资需求,自主设计融资方案并发行理财产品,利用专业技术手段和特殊目的平台,直接或间接将资金提供给融资客户使用,并由融资客户或第三方以约定的价格偿还或回购的非标准化债权业务”指的是()。
A. 贸易融资业务 B. 理财融资业务 C. 供应链融资业务 D. 订单融资业务 [单选题]依据《农村电网低压电气安全工作规程》(DL/T477— 2010)第E.2.2.6(6)条规定:若呼吸已停止,开放气道后立即口对口(鼻)吹气( )次,再测试劲动脉,如有搏动,则每5S继续吹气( )次;若劲动脉无搏动,可用空心拳头叩击前区( )次,促使心脏复跳。
A.1,2,3 B.2,2,2 C.3,2,1 D.2,1,2 [多选题]在大楼弱通道内作业时,应该( )
A.当施工中遇到障碍物时,可凭经验强行拆除 B.必须先与业主进行沟通,了解准确、详细的通道情况,及其它线缆情况,严禁野蛮施工 C.并做好照明工具,防止太暗,无法看清障碍物,导致施工人员意外摔倒、摔伤 D.在需要使用电动工具打孔时,要注意用电安全,注意不要损坏墙壁内原有的隐蔽线缆,穿放完成后做好恢复和封堵工作 [填空题]齿轮罩用油与抱轴瓦用油,性能、规格( )。
[单选题](2020年真题)杜甫“白也诗无敌,飘然思不群。清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军”一诗称赞的诗人是( )。
A.李白 B.白居易 C.庾信 D.鲍照 [单项选择]在所有的决胜期中,球队应()开始比赛。
A. 跳球 B. 交换球篮 C. 第4节相同的球篮 D. 端线掷界外球 我来回答: 提交