Children are{{U}} (62)
{{/U}}serious illnesses because of their parents smoking at home, rays the
government’s chief medical officer, who has warned adults not to light{{U}}
(63) {{/U}}in front of their sons and daughters. Sir Liam Donaldson, Britain’s most senior doctor, {{U}} (64) {{/U}}that there would be a further{{U}} (65) {{/U}}crackdown on smoking after the ban comes into force in England next Sunday. He promised renewed public health advertising campaigns to try to educate parents who smoke. "We will strengthen and make{{U}} (66) {{/U}}the message to parents about the risks to their children of smoking. This is something we will need to constantly remind them about." "{{U}} (67) {{/U}}the number of parents who make is falling, children’s exposure{{U}} (68) {{/U}}parental smoke remains "a problem area", he sa A. unacceptable B. unhelpful C. unhealthful D. unusual [判断题]机组运行中低压加热器停止,凝结水温降低。
A. 根尖囊肿 B. 慢性牙髓炎 C. 慢性牙周炎 D. 根尖肉芽肿 E. 慢性牙槽脓肿 [多选题]( )硫化氢监测仪应按哪些要求进行校验:( )等。
A.硫化氢监测仪使用过程中要定期校验 B.固定式硫化氢监测仪一年校验一次 C.携带式硫化氢监测仪半年校验一次 D.在超过满量程浓度的环境使用后应重新校验 E.设备警报的功能测试至少每天一次 [多选题] 注销职工信息卡包括以下内容( )。
A.享受工作餐则先到办公室办理工间餐注销及剩余费用的接转 B.参与考勤则由人力资源处办理考勤注销 C.持信息卡到保卫武装处办理门禁注销 D.可以不必退还信息卡 [判断题]三显示自动闭塞区段出站色灯信号机显示两个绿色灯光——准许列车由车站出发,开往半自动闭塞或自动站间闭塞区间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]存货盘盈核查后应()。
A. 冲减存货成本 B. 冲减管理费用 C. 计入其他业务收入 D. 计入营业外收入 [判断题]
According to the speaker, it is foolish and childish for a filmmaker to mix his preconceptions with objective truth when he produces a documentary. 我来回答: 提交