Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers
Diet is second only to tobacco as a leading (1) of cancer and,along with alcohol,is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease (2) developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday.
Dr. Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to (3) , but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity (4) a major role.
"Five percent of cancers could be avoided (5) nobody was obese," he said.
While tobacco is linked to about 30 (6) of cancer cases, diet is involved in all estimated 25 percent and alcohol (7) about six percent.
Obesity raises the (8) of breast, womb, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and liver. Its dangerous impact is (9) when combined with smoking.
A. cancer
B. health
C. disease
D. man
The United States became a rich
industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s. There were more goods, more
services, more jobs, and a higher standard of living. There was more of
everything, including problems. One problem was monopoly — that is, be the only
seller of a certain line of products or a service. In some cases, several
companies that manufactured the same product would agree not to compete with one
another. They would all agree to charge the same price. These arrangements made
it impossible for customers to shop around for lower prices for certain
products. Some people decided that huge corporations had too much power and controlled too many markets. Because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that government passed laws favorable to them. Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad fo A. Big companies could not influence the government. B. A large number of markets. C. Many Americans were worried about the changes in their country. D. Some of the laws were in favor of customers. [判断题]依据《民用航空危险品运输管理规定》的规定,“托运人”是指为货物运输与承运人订立合同,并在航空货运单或者货物记录上署名的人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]代谢性酸中毒最易发生于()
A. 急性肠梗阻 B. 感染性休克 C. 肺炎高热 D. 慢性十二指肠瘘 E. 挤压综合征 [多选题]:下列关于凭证、账折的各种代用符号正确的是()。
A. “第号”为“#” B.“每个”为“@” C.月日简写顺序自右而左日/月 D.年利率简写为‰ [判断题]借款人申请军人住房公积金贷款可用于购买具有保障性质的政策性住房。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]积累和占有材料的主要途径有观察体验、()、文献采集。
A. 上网 B. 调查采访 C. 看书 D. 影视 [判断题] 集团公司《关于全面推行党支部主题党日活动的指导意见》要求,主题党日活动以党支部为基本单元开展活动,也可根据活动主题联合多个党支部开展。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公司组织编制实测实量操作手册,逐步规范工程实体质量的( )等具体步骤和要求。(国家电网基建〔2018〕1104号《国家电网有限公司关于进一步加强输变电工程质量管控重点举措的通知》引入实测实量技术手段)
A.实测实量程序 B.取样方法 C.测量操作 D.数据处理 [单选题]当银行只有一种或很少几种产品,或者银行产品的营业方式大致相同,或者银行把业务职能当作市场营销的主要功能时,采取( )营销组织模式最为有效。
A.职能型 B.产品型 C.市场型 D.区域型 [简答题]粗晶粒材料探伤通常选用的探伤频率为( )。
A.动作细节 B.动作主要环节 C.巩固动作 D.纠正错误动作 [单选题]对外直接投资业务信息由()负责报送。
A.境内结算行 B.境内代理行 C.境内拆借行 D.境外参加行 我来回答: 提交