{{B}}Text{{/B}} The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant{{U}} (27) {{/U}}of legal controls over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (28) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses{{U}} (29) {{/U}}and will strictly control the a mount of{{U}} (30) {{/U}}that can be given to a case{{U}} (31) {{/U}}a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he {{U}} (32) {{/U}}with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not{{U}} (33) {{/U}}sufficient control.{{U}} (34) {{/U}}of the letter came two days after Lord Irvin A. impact B. incident C. inference D. issue [单项选择]通过“商易通”办理转账业务,高端“华商联盟”账户单笔最高转出限额为()。
A. 20万元(不含) B. 20万元(含) C. 50万元(不含) D. 50万元(含) [多项选择]二战后建立的“布雷顿森林体系”包括下列内容()
A. 《联合国货币金融会议最后协定书》 B. 《国际货币基金组织协定》 C. 《国际复兴开发银行协定》 D. 《关税与贸易总协定》 E. 《欧洲复兴方案》 [多选题]巡场道只允许()和其他经运行指挥中心同意的车辆行驶外,其他车辆禁止驶入。
A.围界巡视车 B.驱鸟车 C.灯光及导航设备检修车辆 [判断题]为提升飞行区作业人员现场作业的自律行为,对违反飞行区作业手册相关条款的作业人员实行经济处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]所谓继电器常开接点是指()。
A.正常时接点断开 B.继电器线圈带电时接点断开 C.继电器线圈不带电时接点断开 D.短路时接点断开 [单选题]《国网安徽省电力有限公司安全生产反违章工作管理规范》中规定,( )是指各级领导、管理人员不履行岗位安全职责,不落实安全管理要求,不健全安全规章制度,不执行安全规章制度等的各种不安全作为。
A.管理违章 B.行为违章 C.装置违章 D.作业违章 [单选题]膈的腔静脉孔所平的胸椎高度是∶ ( )
A.第8 胸椎 B.第9胸椎 C.第10 胸椎 D.第11胸椎 E.第12胸椎 [判断题]只要管理单位同意你操作电梯,你就是合法的电梯司机。()
[填空题]American society is not nap-friendly. In fact, there’s even a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}against admitting we need sleep. Nobody wants to be caught napping or found asleep at the Switch. To quote an{{U}} (37) {{/U}} proverb: "Some sleep five hours, nature requires seven, laziness nine and{{U}} (38) {{/U}}eleven."
Wrong. The way not to fall a sleep at the switch is to take naps when you need them. "We have to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}change our attitude toward napping," says Dr. William Dement of Stanford University, the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}of sleep research.
Last year a national commission led by Dement{{U}} (41) {{/U}}an "American sleep debt," which one member said was as important as the national debt. The commission was concerned about the dangers of{{U}} (42) {{/U}}: people causing industrial accidents or falling asleep while driving.
About 60 percent of American{{U}} (43) {{/U}}nap when given the opportunity.{{U}} (44) {{/U}} Clearly, we were born to nap.
{{U}} (45) {{
[单选题]关于我国的湖泊,下列叙述正确的是( )。
A.最大的淡水湖在江西 B.最大的咸水湖在西藏 C.海拔最高的湖在新疆 D.海拔最低的湖在四川 [单选题]在线路允许速度200>Vmax>160km/h正线,线路轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,三角坑的作业验收标准为( )mm。
A.5 B.7 C.8 D.3 [判断题]甲县公安局民警邓某在市场巡逻时当场对张某作出罚款决定,他应当在作出决定后24小时内将当场处罚决定书报甲县公安局备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电力设备典型消防规程(2015年版)规定,各单位火灾自动报警系统只要接入本单位或上级24h有人值守的消防监控场所后,无需声光报警功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]经原决定机关负责人批准,公安机关收缴和追缴的财物(),应登记造册,按照规定上缴国库或者依法变卖或者拍卖后,将所得款项上缴国库。
A.属于被侵害人或者善意第三人的合法财物的 B.没有被侵害人的 C.是违禁品、没有价值的物品,或者价值轻微,无法变卖或者拍卖的物品的 D.是无法变卖或者拍卖的危险物品的 [多选题]电源屏的二级保养内容包括()(2分)
A.检查紧固件、连接件 B.电气特性测试和试验 C.彻底清除内部部件积尘 D.线缆检查 [判断题]现金管理委托方对公账户需开通银企通平台或银企直联功能才能开办代收(付)业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]雨天行驶山现“水滑”现象,会导致()
A. 车辆爆胎 B. 车辆失控,发生横滑或侧滑 C. 车辆制动效能增强 D. 车辆熄火 [单项选择]我国煤炭探明储量的68%分布在山西、( )和内蒙古三个省。
A. 新疆 B. 吉林 C. 甘肃 D. 陕西 [判断题]使用蒸汽对罐内原油加热时,先开启加热系统进口阀,待蒸汽通过后,再缓慢开启出口阀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]心衰的诊断依据不包括
A. 冠脉造影 B. 临床表现 C. 心脏超声检查 D. 病史 [多选题]当加热炉的抽力过大时,会出现()等现象。
A.烟气氧含量升高 B.火焰发白 C.炉膛负压升高 D.炉膛负压降低 [单项选择]引起咯血的首要原因是()
A. 支气管扩张 B. 肺结核 C. 支气管肺癌 D. 肺炎 E. 肺栓塞 [判断题]在电化学腐蚀中,总是阳极受到腐蚀。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在焊接技术中与熔化焊无关的焊接是
A. 电弧焊 B. 气电焊 C. 电热焊 D. 激光焊 E. 接触焊 [单项选择]The business of advertising is to invent methods of addressing massive audiences in an effective way. The language used in an ad should be easily accessible and immediately (26) . No advertising agency wants to put (27) an ad that is neither clear nor convincing. But these agencies disagree when it (28) to the most effective methods of doing so. (29) the years, advertising firms have developed a variety of distinctive styles (30) on their understanding of the different kinds of audiences they want to (31) . No two agencies would handle the same product (33) . For the advertisers, advertising is (32) more than a sophisticated sales pitch, an attractive verbal and (34) device to serve manufacturers. In (35) , ads often (36) their products, and in the (37) of early ads for products that are no longer available, we cannot help (38) consider the advertisement independently of
A. picture B. text C. context D. look [单选题]运行极限位置限制器由安全尺与()所组成。
A.紧急开关 B.限位开关 C.闸刀开关 [判断题]尽头式线路距挡车器110m、55m、33m处,使用反光条(反光油漆)在线路适当位置分别设置“十车”“五车”“三车”警示标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]特殊高处作业包括哪些类别?
A. 变形链球菌 B. 血链球菌 C. 消化链球菌 D. 乳杆菌属 E. 放线菌属 我来回答: 提交