Some people make you feel comfortable
when they are around. These people have something in common. And once we know
what it is we can try to do it ourselves. How is it done Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills, they’ll help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly. First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answera question. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go. Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. And to find out what sort of person you are talking to, you really have to listen carefully and attentively. Real listening at least means some things. First it means not to change the subject of conversation. Real listening also means not just listening to w A. you may take him as your lifelong trustworthy friend B. it seems necessary for you to let him know it C. it’s proper for you to give him a second handshake D. it’ll be helpful for you to have further understanding of him [判断题]钢轨端面、胶接面(接头处两侧各450mm)、螺栓孔进行除锈打磨清洁处理,要用毛刷清除钢轨打磨面的铁质灰粒。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于测试的策划,说法不正确的是
A. 测试设计的任务是执行测试用例,需要时也可以将测试用例设计与执行并行开展 B. 若系统对质量要求很高,则需要开展多次的回归测试验证 C. 在实际软件项目中,一个测试团队可能大都是骨干人员 D. 测试团队的规模与被测系统规模、测试方资料调度情况有关 [单项选择]下列泡沫灭火系统的泡沫液不需要送检的是()。
A. 3%型低倍数泡沫液设计用量小于3.5t B. 6%型低倍数泡沫液设计用量大于或等于7.0t C. 6%蛋白型中倍数泡沫液最小储备量大于2.5t D. 6%合成型中倍数泡沫液最小储备量大于2.0t [单项选择]在中国,目前规模和影响较大的部级互联网单位有4个:中国科技网、()、中国教育科研网和中国金桥信息网。
A. 中国计算机互联网 B. 中国公用计算机互联网 C. 中国公用计算机网 D. 中国互联网 [判断题]对大面积地面流淌性火灾,采取围堵防流,分片消灭的灭火方法;对大量的地面重质油品火灾,可视情采取挖沟导流的方法,将油品导入安全的指定地点,利用干粉或泡沫一举消灭。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2、行政复议机关在收到行政复议申请后,应当在5日内进行审查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]机械产品具有______等特点。
A. 产品有三种存在的基本形态:气态、液态和固态 B. 产品使用功能多是通过运动部分实现的 C. 产品具有自然的连续性 D. 产品可拆部分可将其整体分解为局部,反之局部又可以组合为整体 [单选题]列车夜间运行,机车(动车组)前部头灯、标志灯均不能使用时,应适当降速维持运行到前方站停车处理,处理不好时( )。
A.继续运行 B.不能继续运行 C.限速20km/h运行 D.限速40km/h运行 [不定项选择题]某建筑公司与某施工单位签订了一份建设工程施工合同,明确承包方(施工单位)保质、保量、保工期完成发包方(建筑公司)某合成车间厂房的施工任务。在施工完隐蔽工程,承包方自检确认工程隐蔽部位具备覆盖条件后,向监理人发出约定期限内检查通知,监理人未按约定的时间进行检查,承包方便将工程隐蔽部位进行覆盖;隐蔽部位覆盖后监理人对质量提出疑问,要求承包方对已覆盖的部位进行揭开重新检验,经检验证明工程质量符合合同要求。工程完工后,承包方向发包方提交了竣工验收报告,发包方认为工程质量很好,双方合作愉快,为不影响组织生产,没有组织竣工验收便直接占有并投入正常使用,但按照合同约定方式预留工程质量保证金。
A.发包商 B.承包人 C.监理单位 D.工程质量监督部门 [单选题] 因查封、扣押发生的保管费用由( )。
A.当事人承担, B.行政机关承担, C.证人承担, D.执法人员承担 [单项选择]头发早白,牙齿脱落,足痿无力,多见于
A. 胀痛,与精神因素有关,伴胁胀,善太息,脉弦 B. 喇痛,伴舌暗,有青紫色瘀斑瘀点,脉细涩或结代 C. 闷痛,多见体胖痰多,身重困倦,苔白腻,脉沉滑或沉涩 D. 痛势剧烈,突然发作,得温痛减,伴畏寒喜暖,肢冷,舌淡苔白,脉沉迟或沉紧 E. 头痛、头晕,失眠,健忘,舌质紫暗,脉细涩 [单选题]网卡是完成( )的功能。(易)(基础知识)
A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.物理层和数据链路层 D.数据链路层和网络层 [单项选择]()不享有外交特权和豁免权。
A. 外国国家元首 B. 外交代表 C. 政府首脑 D. 无国籍人 [单选题]控制台上每一轨道区段其光带最少不得少于()个单元.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]物质的燃点越低、越不容易引起火灾。( )[判断题]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]The beauty of software is in its funciion ,in its internal srurcture,and in zhe way inwhich it is created by a team. To a user,a program with just the right features presented through an intuitive and (请作答此空) interface is beautiful.To a soware designer,an intemal sucre that is partitioned in a simple and intuitive manner,and that minirnízes intemal coupling is beautiful.To developers and managers ,a motivated tenof developers makingignificant progress eve week,and producing defect-free code,is beautifu l. There is beauty on all these levels.Our world needs software -- 10ts of syears ago soware was somethingthat ran in a few big and expensive machines. years ago it was something that ran in most companies and industrial settings. Now there is sware running in our cell phones , watches ,appliances,automobi1es ,toys,and tools. And need for new and betler soware never ( ) As our civilization grows and expands,as developirig nations build their masuctures,as deve10ped nations striveωachieve ever greater efficiencies,the need for more and more software ( )to increase. It would be a great shame if,in all that soware,there was no beauty.We know that soware can be uglWe know that it can be hard to use,unreliable ,and carelessly structured. We know that there are software systems whose tangled and careless intemal structures make them expensive and difficult to change. We know that there are soware systems that present their features through an awkward and cumbersome interface.We know that there are software systems that crash and misbehave. These are ( ) systems. Unfortunately ,as a profession ,soware developers tend to create more ugly systems than beautiful ones.There is a secret at the best sofuλrare developers know. Beauty is cheaper than ugliness. Beauty is faster than ugliness. A beautiful soware system can be built and maintained in less time,and for less money,than an ugly one. Novice soware developers don't understand is. They think that they have to do everything fast and quick.They think that beauty is ( ). No! By doing things fast and quick,they make messes that make the software stiff and hard to understand. Beautiful systems are flexible and easy to understand. Building them and maintaining them is a joy. It is ugliness that is impractical.Ugliness will slow you down and make your software expensive and brittle. Beautiful systems cost the least to build and maintain ,and are delivered soonest.
A.simple B.Hard C.complex D.duplicated [单选题]在辙叉心宽()断面处,测量垂直磨耗。
A.25mm B.30mm C.40mm D.50mm [单选题]对急性痛风性关节炎有选择性消炎作用的是
A.对乙酰氨基酚 B.美洛昔康 C.吡罗昔康 D.秋水仙碱 [单选题]双稳态触发器原来处于"1"态,想让它翻转为"0"态,可釆用触发方式是()。
A.单边触发 B.计数触发 C.多边触发 D.自控触发 [判断题]机动车行驶证工本费为每本10元。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]起重气垫具备( )等性能。1
A.抗静电 B.抗裂 C.耐磨 D.抗油 E.抗老化 [单项选择]在下列传输介质中,错误率最低的是( )。
A. 同轴电缆 B. 光缆 C. 双绞线 D. 微波 [多选题]隧道洞口设计应结合( )和环境条件,综合考虑景观要求,采取“早进晚出”的设计原则。
A.地形 B.地质 C.气候 D.温度 [判断题]地下开采的中厚煤层是指最小可采厚度1.3-3.5米。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]属于区域性国际金融组织的有()。
A. 亚洲开发银行 B. 泛美开发银行 C. 加勒比开发银行 D. 国际农业发展基金 我来回答: 提交