I found my father a very hard man to
understand when I was young. He was very short and thin and had large blue eyes.
I could have loved him as I did my mother, but he seemed to hold us off so that
we could not approach him or sit on his knee as love to do. I believe he had a
hard life as a child, and I know that he left school at the age of ten and
started to work. This made him an unsociable man, unfriendly even to the people
closest to him. I never knew him to have a close friend as the other men
did. Everything he did had to be precise. If he chopped the sticks for the fire, each stick would be the same length and thickness as all the others, and they would all be stacked (堆放) without one out of place. His motto (座右铭) was "If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well". In our household his word was law and nobody dared dispute it. A. working while her husband rested B. repairing her husband’s clothes C. not being able to derive any pleasure from what she herself found delightful D. handling unclean clothes [单项选择]下列选项中,关于资产的计税基础表述中不正确的是( )。
A. 以非货币性资产交换方式取得的无形资产,以该资产的公允价值和支付的相关税费为计算基础 B. 自行开发的无形资产,以开发过程中该资产符合资本化条件后至达到预定用途前发生的支出为计税基础 C. 外购的生产性生物资产,以购买价款和支付的相关税费为计税基础 D. 自行建造的固定资产,以达到预定可使用状态前发生的支出为计税基础 [单项选择]纳税人欠缴税款同时又被行政机关决定处以罚款、没收违法所得的()
A. 税收优先于罚款、没收违法所得 B. 罚款优先于税收、没收违法所得 C. 没收违法所得优先于税收、罚款 D. 罚款、没收违法所得优先于税收 [单选题] 应急组织与职责主要包括( )。
A.基层单位应急自救组织形式及人员构成情况 B.应急自救组织机构、人员的具体职责,应同单位或车间、班组人员工作职责紧密结合,明确相关岗位和人员的应急工作职责 C.选项A和B D.以上都不是 [判断题]真理和价值在认识和实践中是相互制约、相互引导、相互促进的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()伊丽莎白·泰勒为什么没有和蒙哥马利走到一起?
A. 对他的诸多怪僻不可理解 B. 太过于风流了 C. 只把他当作兄长般的敬重 D. 蒙哥马利是个同性恋者 [单选题]A321飞机燃油控制面板上的MODE SEL按钮控制:
A.A. 中央油箱燃油泵 B.B. 中央油箱传输活门 C.C. 大翼油箱泵 D.D. 大翼和中央油箱油泵 [单选题]《铁路乘车证管理办法》乘车证颜色规定:版面颜色分为( )种。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单选题]高良姜的功效是
A.温中止痛,杀虫止痒 B.散寒止痛,温中止呕 C.散寒止痛,理气和胃 D.温中降逆,温肾助阳 E.散寒止痛,温通经脉 [单项选择]心绞痛发作的典型部位为()
A. 心前区 B. 胸骨中、上段胸骨后 C. 胸骨下段 D. 心尖部 E. 剑突下 我来回答: 提交