The United States is a confederation of states.Each
state has the{{U}} (26) {{/U}} to make laws with regard to the state.{{U}}
(27) {{/U}} , based on public opinion,states can{{U}} (28)
{{/U}} policies regarding education, and they may{{U}} (29)
{{/U}} a state income tax; they also determine the speed{{U}} (30)
{{/U}} , housing codes and the drinking age. In most parts of the United States, you{{U}} (31) {{/U}} be 21 years old to buy alcohol in a liquor store, bar{{U}} (32) {{/U}} restaurant.In some states you may buy beer in a grocery store.If a store sells alcohol to a minor,the{{U}} (33) {{/U}} of the store is usually{{U}} (34) {{/U}} a large sum of money. {{U}} ( A. shifted B. upgraded C. uplifted D. changed [不定项选择题]A.髓部明显,薄壁细胞含细小草酸钙针晶
A.油管 B.草酸钙簇晶大而多,导管多为网纹 C.草酸钙簇晶及石细胞 D.薄壁组织中散有多数油室,有的薄壁细胞中含草酸钙晶体 E.大黄粉末中可见( )。 [单项选择]某旅行社依据成立并生效的旅游合同取得了向旅游者收取费用的权利,由于招徕人数不足,经旅游者同意,该旅行社将已签约方的旅游者转让给另一家旅行社。这种行为属于()。
A. 合同的变更 B. 合同的转让 C. 合同的中止 D. 合同的解除 [多项选择]干灰化法不适用于处理()。
A. 砷 B. 汞 C. 镉 D. 硒 [单选题]具有使用设备少,投资小,见效快的优点的井下防灭火方法是( )。( )
A.预防性灌浆 B.喷洒阻化剂 C.注惰 D.均压通风 [名词解释]模式标本
[单项选择] The combination of the increased burden of AIDS in the developing world and the absence of affordable therapies and vaccines has raised the sensitivity of health professionals to issues of ethics and equity in international biomedical research. Foremost among the concerns is whether new treatments should be compared against Western standards of care or against existing local standards. Other thorny issues include whether communities can benefit from research they have taken part in when they may not be able to afford the new interventions that prove effective and how researchers and their institutions in developing countries can be strengthened through international collaboration. Strong emotional responses and increased entrenchment have begun to characterize the discussion on how to design and conduct international biomedical research.
Those who venture into the discussion on international research have an obligation to begin with fairness as the principal rule of engagement,
A. Because there is a lack of equality between the relevant parties. B. Because of pressure from the local communities. C. Because of pressure from the international community. D. Because there is a temptation to think in their own favor. [单选题]以下哪种病变预计不会引起昏迷
A.小脑出血、继而压迫脑干 B.巴比妥中毒引起两侧大脑半球代谢性抑制 C.桥脑出血 D.优势大脑半球梗死 E.右侧大脑半球成胶质细胞瘤引起钩回疝 我来回答: 提交