John Julius Norwich is the author of
more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily, the Sahara, Mount Athos and the
Venetian and Byzantine empires. Yet even his immense knowledge is not euough to
keep his latest chronicle--of 5, 000 years of Mediterranean history—from
appearing somewhat lopsided. Lord Norwich’s first test, he notes in his introduction to The Middle Sea, was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain. He records that he was fortuitously invited to dinner by "my dear friend" the Spanish ambassador to London and "a few weeks later there came an invitation for nay wife and me to spend ten days in Spain. " It is hard to believe that was all the effort he made, for he acquits himself well, even in the convoluted diplomacy that ended in the war of the Spanish succession. Lord Norwich’s second A. cynical. B. comprehensive. C. partial. D. equivocal. [单项选择]
Humans have been damaging the environment ever since we realized our powers to harness nature. Global warming and air pollution are now frequent headlines on TV and in the newspapers all over the world which keep reminding us of our obligation to protect the environment. However, few actions are actually being taken at the individual level and I think there are two major reasons why people are being so indifferent. [单选题]在其他站线,线路轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,水平.高低的经常保养标准为( )mm。
A.5 B.7 C.8 D.3 [单选题]关于混凝土强度等级C30,下列描述正确的是( )。
A.混凝土强度总体分布的平均值为30MPa; B.混凝土强度等级的保证率为95%,C30 混凝土强度大与等于28.5MPa; C. C30 混凝土的立方体抗压强度标准值为30MPa; D. C30 混凝土的轴心抗压强度标准值为30MPa。 [填空题] Are Improvements Worth Paying for
As goods and services improved, people were persuaded to spend their money in changing from old to new, and found the change worth the expense. When an airline equipped itself with jets, for example, its costs and therefore airfares would (0) , but the new planes meant such an improvement that the higher cost was justified. A new car or wireless washing machine, electric kettle made life so much more comfortable than the old one that the high cost of replacement was amply (21). Manufacturers still cry their wares as persuasively as (22) but are the improvements really worth paying for In many fields things have now reached such a high standard of performance that (23) progress is very limited and very, very expensive. Airlines, for example, go to enormous expense (24) buying the latest prestige jets, in which vast research costs have been (25) on relatively small improvements. If we scrape these vast costs we might lose the ch
A. A.for B.on [判断题]预留印鉴卡片原则上只能由会计主管保管
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用自动体外除颤仪电击前,要确定没有任何人接触患者。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]铝热焊接产生的熔渣中含有()。
A.氧化铝 B.氧化铁 C.氧化锰 D.硅酸物 [多选题]焊工在下列哪些情况属于较高电气危险性( )。
A.狭窄空间下的 MAG焊 B.低温条件下的焊条电弧焊 C.潮湿环境下的气焊 D.常温条件下的碳弧气刨 [单选题]“乳糖不耐受症”者推荐饮用( )。
A.酸奶 B.牛奶 C.鲜奶 D.奶粉 二、多选题 [单项选择]医疗事故纠纷案件中,医院提出原告的病历等有关资料因医院工作人员保管不善而丢失,无法提供,以下何种说法是正确的( )
A. 原告不能提出其他证据证明医院有责任时,原告应当承担败诉的后果 B. 法院不考虑病历等有关资料的证据意义,根据其他有关证据认定事实 C. 由于病历等有关资料保存在医院,在医院无正当理由拒不提供该资料时,法院就可以推定原告的相关主张成立 D. 法院只有在查清案件的事实基础上才能作出判决,如果由于该资料丢失,导致案件主要事实不清,法院应当裁定驳回起诉 [判断题]电磁式传动装置被称为电磁铁,是各种电磁式电器的感测部分,主要作用是将机械能转化为电能,使触头动作,完成接通和分断电路的任务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]所谓(),又称自我保护,指权利受到侵害时,权利人得在法律规定的范围内,采取自我保护措施,自行救济受侵害的权利。
A. 正当防卫 B. 紧急避险 C. 公力救济 D. 私力救济 [单项选择]X线电视的特点不包括()
A. 明室操作,剂量降低 B. 便于教学和科研 C. 有自动分析功能 D. 便于实现影像数字化 E. 影像层次、密度对比差 [多选题]目前我行开办的“村村通”业务,支持哪些业务( )。
A.小额现金支取及公共事业缴费 B.查询、转账 C.消费 D.存款业务 [单项选择]It was a beautiful summer day and I was taking a walk in the downtown area of Madrid.
When I turned a street (56) I heard the voice of a lovely Spanish singer (57) from a nearby cafe. The music (58) me, so I went to the cafe to hear it (59) I sat down at a table near the door. The waiter came over, and I (60) a glass of wine. While (61) my wine, I listened to the soft music.The (62) was a young lady, a little too fat, but (63) pretty. A black young man was playing the piano. The waiter returned (64) the glass of wine and put it on the (65) . I started drinking the wine slowly and (66) the other people in the cafe. They were ail men (67) women seldom go into the cafes in Spain. There were three men (68) at a table near mine. I could (69) by their accents that one of them was an American, one an Englishman and the third man a (70) . Th A. once B. before C. because D. and [单项选择]主要用于测定各种激素、蛋白质、酶、药物及病毒抗原的技术()
A. 荧光偏振免疫测定 B. 荧光免疫显微技术 C. 时间分辨荧光免疫测定 D. 底物标记荧光免疫测定 E. 流式荧光免疫技术 [单选题]刀开关在选用时,要求刀开关的额定电压要大于或等于线路实际的( )电压。
A.额定 B.最高 C.故障 [单项选择]人生观的核心是()。
A. 人生态度 B. 人生目的 C. 人生价值 D. 人生信仰 [单选题]进行心肺复苏法时,如有担架搬运伤员,应该持续做心肺复苏,中断时间不超过()s。
A.5 B.10 C.30 D.60 [单选题]我国1981年后发行的国债品种有( )。
Ⅰ.储蓄国债 Ⅱ.记账式国债 Ⅲ.凭证式国债 Ⅳ.人民胜利折实公债 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ D. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ [单选题]见习电客车司机严禁使用载客运营列车进行驾驶操作练习,须经培训合格且请示批准后,在特定时间利用晚间空载列车练习;调试电客车司机在( )期间,可由正司机监控下担当列车驾驶运营任务。
A.非高峰期 B.节假日或重大活动 C.折返线运行 D.调试 [单选题]V≤120km/h线路,钢轨肥边限值()
A.0.5mm B.1mm C.2mm D.3mm [简答题]根据所学知识,谈谈对农业系统的综合效应原理的理解。
A.社会化、法治化、制度化、专业化 B.社会化、法治化、科学化、专业化 C.科学化、法治化、规范化、专业化 D.社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化 [单选题]要求再度显示信号:前发信号不明,要求重新显示。昼间——拢起的手信号旗右臂向右方上下摇动;夜间——红色灯光( )上下摇动。
A.上下摇动 B.左右小动 C.左右摇动 D.左右大动 [单选题] 下列哪次会议决定党加入共产国际?( )
* A.党的一大 B.党的二大 C.党的三大 [单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统授信管理委员会操作实施细则》规定,授信委员会通过的授信业务按规定提交( )审核。
A.行长或主持工作的副行长 B.董事长 C.监事长 D.合规部门 [单选题]Poets,songwriters and politicians hate the idea,but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear:money buys happiness and the richer you are,the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life.Until now,a survey of 43 countries(1)on October 30th by the pew Research Cenre of Washington,DC,shows that people in(2)markets are expressing almost the same level of satisfaction as people in rich countries.It is the biggest(3)to the standard view of happiness and income seen(4)The Pew poll asks respondents to(5),on a scale from zero to ten,how good their lives are Those who say between seven and ten are counted as(6).In 2007,57%of respondents in rich countries put themselves in the top four tiers;in emerging markets the(7)was 33%:in poor countries only 16%-a classic(8)of the standard view But in 2014,54%of rich-country respondents counted themselves as happy,whereas in emer-ging markets the percentage(9)to 51%.This was happening just at a time when emerging markets chances of converging economically(10)the West seemed to be(11)Rich countries did not experience(12)declines in happiness.The decreases in America and Britain were tiny(a single percentage point),13 the share of happy Germans rose(13)points.A large drop in formerly joyful spain ensured a modest overall decline for the rich.(14)the conver-gence happened(15)huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan.In 12 of the 24 emerging markets,half or more people(16)their life satisfaction in the top tiers of the ladder.This is not to(17)the link between income and satisfaction has been snapped Poor coun-tries still(18)only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers=half the level of the other two groups.There is(19)a clear link between happiness and income growth.China's GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10%in 2007-2014 and its happiness level rose 26 points.(20)countries,richer people express more satisfaction than their poorer neighbours.wing onilia(4)选? far large effect chance 我来回答: 提交