11-15 The central idea of cell phones is that you should be connected to almost everyone and everything at all times. The trouble is that cell phones assault your peace of mind no matter what you do. If you turn them off, why have one You just irritate anyone who might call. If you’re on and no one calls, you’re irrelevant, unloved or both. If everyone calls, you’re a basket case. As with other triumphs of the mass market, cell phones reached a point when people forget what it was like before they existed. No one remembers life before cars, TVs, air conditioners, jets, credit cards, microwave ovens and ATM cards. So, too, now with cell phones. Anyone without one will soon be classified as an eccentric or member of the (deep) underclass. Look at the numbers, In 1985 there were 340,213 cell-phone users. By ye A. People are getting used to the lines with cell phones. B. Those who receive no phone calls are unloved. C. People can connect everyone and everything at all times with cell phones. D. Most people buy cell phones because they don’t want to be taken as an eccentric. [单选题] 黄某意图杀死张某,当其得知张某当晚在单位值班室值班时,即放火将值班室烧毁,其结果却是将顶替张某值班的李某烧死。黄某对李某死亡的主观方面是( )。
A. 间接故意 B. 直接故意 C. 疏忽大意的过失 D. 过于自信的过失 [填空题]1953年起我国执行的第一个五年计划中,集中力量发展( )、( )。
A.高肾素型高血压 B.发病年龄较轻的高血压患者 C.高血压病并心衰左心室射血分数30% D.高血压病并冠心病 E.高血压病并冠心室肥厚 [多项选择]可同时用于财务评价和国民经济评价的分析方法有()。
A. 盈亏平衡分析法 B. ABC分析法 C. 敏感性分析方法 D. 概率分析法 E. 因素分析法 [判断题]( )提速道岔顶铁、限位器采用防松螺母。( )(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按照国家工程建设消防技术标准需要进行消防设计的建设工程,实行建设工程消防设 计审査验收制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪项是抑郁症患者的核心症状表现
A.思维迟缓 B.情感淡漠 C.情感低落 D.意志减退 E.罪恶妄想 [单选题]树枝接触或接近高压带电导线时,应将高压线路停电或用工具使树枝远离带电导线至安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]磁通的单位是( )。(易)
A. Wb B.B C. T D. MB [单选题] 液化石油气钢质储罐接地点沿储罐周长的间距,不宜大于( )
A. 15m B. 30m C. 40m D. 50m [单选题]BB032在注水泵( )处安装电接点真空压力表,来实现注水泵的低水压保护。
A.进口 B.出口 C.进出口 D.平衡管 [单选题]国务院规定,土地出让收入的使用要确保足额支付征地和拆迁补偿费补助()支出保持被征地农民原有生活水平补贴支出。
A.土地开发 B.城市建设 C.被征地农民社会保障 D.被征地农民基本生活 [单选题]一般事故的调查期限为( )天。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.60 我来回答: 提交