There are two kinds of division of
labor: that based on age and that based on sex. Division of labor by age results in the obvious biological fact that human beings {{U}} 62 {{/U}} three major periods of development. In childhood, the human is in large part dependent upon adults for food, shelter, and other {{U}} 63 {{/U}}; he has neither the strength nor the skills to {{U}} 64 {{/U}} for himself. Children, in most societies, have only light tasks as helpers {{U}} 65 {{/U}} adults or none at all, and when duties are {{U}} 66 {{/U}}, these are often regarded as educational, to prepare the child for his adult {{U}} 67 {{/U}}. Adulthood is ordinarily the period of greatest vigor and ability. The adult man or woman {{U}} 68 {{/U}} on full responsibility for the duties of his/her sex and special occupation. In many societies, A. to B. with C. of D. by [判断题]保荐机构和保荐代表人注册登记事项的变更时,新任职机构对申请文件真实性、准确性、完整性承担责任的承诺函,只能由董事长签字。( )
[单项选择]施工总成本目标确定之后,还需通过编制详细的( )施工成本计划把目标成本层层分解,落实到施工过程的每个环节,有效地进行成本控制。
A. 竞争性 B. 实施性 C. 指导性 D. 战略性 [单项选择]The person he interviewed was ______his former schoolmate.
A. no other than B. no more than C. none other than D. none the less [多选题]为了跟上新技术和管理相关方,项目经理希望将社交媒体作为项目沟通的组成部分。项目经理不应该怎么做?()
A.允许公开访问项目信息 B.将其包含在沟通管理计划中 C.限制用户使用,以遵循团队基本规则 D.将其添加为一个安全问题 [单项选择]被后人称为"医圣"的是()。
A. 陈实功 B. 龚廷贤 C. 张仲景 D. 扁鹊 E. 华佗 [单项选择]下列哪项不是乙型肝炎后肝硬化的主要合并症()
A. 肝癌 B. 门静脉高压症 C. 急性肠系膜上静脉血栓形成 D. 肝功能衰竭 E. 急性肝静脉血栓形成 我来回答: 提交