Computerized design, advancfed
materials and new technologies are being used to produce machines of a type
never seen before. It looks as if it came straight from the set of Star Wars. It has four-wheel drive and rises above rocky surfaces. It lowers and raises its nose when going up and down hills. And when it comes to a river, it turns amphibious: two hydrojets power it along by blasting water under its body. There is room for two passengers and a driver, who sit inside a glass bubble operating electronic, aircraft-type controls. A vehicle so daring on land and water needs windscreen wipers--but it doesn’t have any. Water molecules are disintegrated on the screen’s surface by ultrasonic sensors. This unusual vehicle is the Racoon. It is an invention not of Hollywood but of Renault, a rather conservative French state-owned carmaker, better k A. It can use computers to check the design. B. It already has enough experience with plans. C. It will not need to upgrade the replica of the previous model. D. It can make sure all the bits fit together. [单选题]润滑脂具有特殊的触变性,在常温和静止状态时,润滑脂能粘附在金属表面,当温度升高和运动
状态下,润滑脂会变硬,成为流体而润滑机械运动部件。 A. 是 B. 否 面,当温度升高和运动状态下,润滑脂会变软,成为流体而润滑机械运动部件 [单选题] 测病人空腹血糖为6.0mmol/L,餐后血糖8.3mmol/L,判定病人为
A.正常血糖 B.糖尿病 C.空腹血糖受损 D.糖耐量异常 E.低血糖反应 [单选题]患者的基础代谢率是
A. +20% B. +29% C. +30% D. +39% E. +50% [不定项选择题]老年人使用中药应做到的是
A.宜佐健脾和胃、凉肝定惊之品 B.忌用有肾毒性的药物 C.忌用有肝毒性的药物 D.慎用在母乳中浓度高的中药 E.一般应从“最小剂量”开始 [填空题]隔开的分合闸止钉间隙要求为1~3mm.如果某两极隔开同期超标,应通过调整水平拉杆、交叉连杆和()使其满足要求。
A.IgM B.sIgA C.IgD D.IgG E.五聚体分子是 [多选题]性格的基本特征包括( )。
A.对现实的态度 B.性格的意志特征 C.性格的情绪特征 D.性格的内向特征 E.性格的理智特征 [多选题]《中国铁路北京局集团有限公司消防安全管理办法》规定:消防安全“四会” 是指( )。
A.会报警 B.会使用灭火器 C.会扑救初起火灾 D.会组织人员疏散逃生 [单选题]10千伏裸导线与行道树最小水平距离为()
A.0.8 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [简答题]某公路工程项目,公开招标后按招标投标文件签订了施工合同,合同工期为12个月。当工程进展到一半工期时,承包人提出申请延期,其延期理由为:原有的电信电缆拆迁延误。承包人申述:因土方工程(关键路线上)电信电缆迁移问题迟迟未能解决,应由第三方将电信电缆移走的工程一直到上月才迁走,造成工期延长,针对此事件须给予延期5个月。
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