9、10两题基于以下题干: 有钱并不意味着幸福。有一项覆盖面相当广的调查显示,在自认为有钱的被调查者中,只有1/3的人感觉自己是幸福的。 |
It is generally recognized in the world that the second Gulf War in Iraq is a crucial test of high-speed Web. For decades, Americans have anxiously (1) each war through a new communications (2) , from the early silent film of World War I to the 24-hour cable news (3) of the first Persian Gulf War.
Now, (4) bombs exploding in Baghdad, a sudden increase in wartime (5) for online news has become a central test of the (6) of high-speed Internet connections. It is also a good (7) both to attract users to online media (8) and to persuade them to pay for the material they find there, (9) the value of the Cable News Network persuaded millions to (10) to cable during the last war in Iraq.
(11) by a steady rise over the last 18 months in the number of people with high-speed Internet (12) , now at more than 70 million in the United States, the Web sites of many of the major news organizations
A. Discouraged
B. Inspired
C. Impressed
D. Effected
FLOOR BROKERS, when a commission broker has
{{U}} (56) {{/U}} that he cannot execute personally because of their
number or because of the activity of the market, he engages the services of a
floor broker. These floor brokers were once referred to as $ 2 brokers, because
at one time they charged a fee of $2 per {{U}} (57) {{/U}}; today this
fee is {{U}} (58) {{/U}} higher. Commissions are shared on these orders.
It is easy to see that smaller commission brokers are especially prone to
{{U}} (59) {{/U}} by an influx of orders. The floor broker, A. business B. deal C. transaction D. trade [单选题]基础客户及行业客户营销思维的转变不包括()
A.被动营销向主动营销转变 B.传统营销向系统化营销转变 C.单一营销向全员营销转变 D.寻找客户向培育客户转变 [单项选择]现实中的医疗伤害现象,依据其与医方主观意愿的关系,可以分为
A. 有意伤害、可知伤害、可控伤害和责任伤害 B. 有意伤害、无意伤害、可控伤害和责任伤害 C. 有意伤害、可知伤害、可预见伤害和责任伤害 D. 有意伤害、可知伤害、可控伤害和不可控伤害 E. 有意伤害、无意伤害、可控伤害和不可控伤害 [单选题]CRH6A一级修轮缘高度限度轮缘厚度限度( )mm≤轮缘厚度≤()mm
A.27.5、34 B.27.5、33 C.26、34 D.48、55 [单选题]操作及作业活动应涵盖生产经营全过程所有()的作业活动。
A.常规状态 B.非常规状态 C.常规和非常规状态 D.动火作业 [多选题] 犬的嗅细胞的特点是( )。
A. 嗅细胞约为2亿多个 B. 嗅认辨别多种气味 C. 呼吸的器官 D. 进行信息交流的主要途径 [填空题]
[单选题] 某企业在半年内发生了4起生产安全事故,人员伤亡和经济损失如下。根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的规定,其中属于较大事故的是()。
A. 2人死亡,5人重伤,且直接经济损失900万元 B. 30人重伤,且直接经济损失为700万元 C. 8人重伤,且直接经济损失900万元 [单选题]在GB324中,表示焊缝间距的尺寸符号是( )。
A. I B. n C. e D. P [判断题]在空线上牵引运行时,不准超过30km/h;推进运行时,不准超过20km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严肃作业队伍管理,重点强化施工队伍管控,严把施工队伍、人员准入关,严格执行施工单位负面清单和黑名单制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]已知一个四位数能够被15整除,其中百位数字比十位数字大2。如果将前两位数字与 后两位数字对调,得到的新数比原数的3倍大252,则原来的四位数是多少?
A.1755 B.1530 C.3465 D.2532 [单选题]护理目标的短期目标的时间为
A.一周内 B.10~14天内 C.8~10天内 D.12~14天内 E.8~14天内 我来回答: 提交