No one knows exactly how many disabled
people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450
million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than
double the total population of Canada. In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight. Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by A. there are many disabled people in the world B. the number of disabled people in India is the greatest C. India has much more disabled people than Canada D. it is impossible to get an exact figure of the world’ s disabled people [单选题]货物列车列尾装置尾部主机的安装与摘解,由( )人员负责。(应知应会-《技规》第254)
A.车务 B.公安 C.车站 D.电务 [多选题]在顶板事故抢救中遇有大块岩石时,不许用爆破方法处理,如果威胁遇险人员时,则可用( ) 等工具移动石块,救出遇险人员。
A.千斤顶 B.锤打 C.起石器 D.撬棍 [单选题]消防监督检查应当填写( ),如实记录检查情况。
A.检查记录 B.检查意见书 C.执法检查记录 D.监督检查意见书 [单项选择]盒装不应有长度大于()mm的叠角损伤。
A. 1.0 B. 2.0 C. 3.0 D. 4.0 [简答题]百分表的测量杆移动时1mm时,大指针正好回转( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于高速公路、一级公路的表面层和中面层的沥青混凝土作配合比设
计时应进行车辙试验,其合格标准对高速公路的表面层和中面层的沥青混合料不应低于 800 次/mm,对一级公路的表面层和中面层的沥青混合料不应低于 600 次/mm。() A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]世界上拥有教徒最多的宗教是( )。P98
A. 佛教 B. 道教 C. 基督教 D. 伊斯兰教 [单项选择]降压作用缓慢,适用于轻中度高血压,降压同时使心率减慢的药物是().
A. 吲达帕胺 B. 卡托普利 C. 哌唑嗪 D. 美托洛尔 E. 尼群地平 [单项选择]
As everyone knows, words constantly take on new meanings. Since these do not necessarily, nor even usually, take the place of the old ones, we should picture this process as the analogy of a tree throwing out new branches which themselves throw out subordinate branches. The new branches sometimes overshadow and kill the old one but by no means always. We shall again and again find the earliest senses of a word flourishing for centuries despite a vast overgrowth of later senses which might be expected to kill them. When a word has several meanings historical circumstances often, make one of them dominant during a particular period. Thus "station" is now more likely to mean a railway station than anything else; "speculation" more likely to bear its financial sense than any other. Until this century "plane" had as its dominant meaning "a flat surface" or "a carpenter’s tool to make a surface smooth", but the meaning "an ae [多选题]低压配电系统中装设剩余电流动作保护装置是防止()电击事故和()电击事故的有效措施之一,也是防止电气线
A.故意接触 B.直接接触 C.人为接触 D.间接接触 [单选题]在作战行动中,消防人员应当按照( ),集中兵力、准确迅速,攻防并举、固移结合的作战原则,实施灭火作战行动。
A.先控制,后消灭 B.加强调度,连续作战 C.救人第一,科学施救 D.快速行动,科学处置 [多选题]《境外非政府组织境内活动管理法》规定 ,境外非政府组织在中国境内开展活动应( )。
A.遵守中国法律 B.不得危害中国的国家统一、安全和民族团结 C.不得从事或者资助营利性活动、政治活动,不得非法从事或者资助宗教活动 D.不得损害中国国家利益、社会公共利益和公民、法人以及其他组织的合法权益 [单项选择]宜用棕色滴定管盛装的标准溶液是()。
A. NaCl B. NaOH C. K2Cr2O7 D. KMnO4 [多选题]按照建设部关于建筑施工专职安全生产管理人员职责的有关规定, 企业安全生 产管理机构工作人员应当履行下列哪些职责? ( )
A.调配建设工程项目的安全生产管理人员 B.负责安全生产相关数据统计 C.安全防护和劳动保护用品配备及检查 D.施工现场安全督查 E.发现现场存在安全隐患时,及时向工程项目经理报告 [判断题]按照国家标准,线材头尾的有缺陷部分应切除。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]暴力违法犯罪现场处置,到达现场后向指挥中心报
告的重点内容为 A.违法嫌疑人情况 B.事件起因 C.围观群众情况 D.伤亡情况 [判断题]凡是能导电的物质称为电解质
[单项选择]关于β2微球蛋白表述错误的是 ()
A. 正常人除红细胞外,β2微球蛋白分布在体内几乎所有细胞 B. 是组织相容性抗原的轻链部分 C. 分子量小可以透过肾小球滤过膜 D. 原尿中β2微球蛋白几乎完全被肾小管重吸收 E. 机体内β2微球蛋白的生成量不恒定 [多选题]可提请地方政府予以关闭的、有关部门吊销其有关证照的企业四种违法违规情形有()
A.连续受罚 B.不具备行业标准 C.发生重大事故 D.拒不整顿 [单选题]电子门控器的功能不包括:( )。
A.故障检查 B.诊断功能 C.报告功能 D.互锁功能 [多选题]警务公开的方式主要有( )
A.A.警务公开手册 B.B.警民联系卡、便民卡 C.C.110报警台 D.D.告知义务 [单项选择]肌力测定的分级描述中,错误的是()
A. 1级:肌完全不能收缩,为完全瘫痪 B. 2级:肌收缩可使关节活动,但不能对抗重力 C. 3级:肌仅有抗重力,无抗阻力收缩 D. 4级:肌有抗重力和抗阻力收缩 E. 5级:肌有对抗强阻力收缩 [判断题]挂取遗留车列时,应确认全部连挂妥当,进行试拉、制动试验后,在制动状态下松开人力制动机、撤除铁鞋。( )(应知应会-《行规》第132条)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]疏散用的楼梯间应符合下面( )规定。
A.楼梯间应能天然采光和自然通风 B.楼梯间内不应有影响疏散的凸出物或其他障碍物 C.公共建筑的楼梯间内不应敷设可燃气体管道 D.当多层住宅建筑的楼梯间内必须设置可燃气体管道时,应采用金属套管和设置切断气源的装置等保护措施 E.楼梯间宜靠外墙设置 [判断题]装载过境动物的运输工具到达口岸时,口岸检验检疫机构对运输工具和装载容器外表进行消毒。对动物进行检疫,检疫合格的准予过境。( )
A. 交叉适应 B. 低温锻炼 C. 逆境忍耐 D. 逆境逃避 [填空题]河床断面测量地点一般在桥下及桥梁上下游各( )的三个断面上进行,每次测量的断面应固定。
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