Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is (21) , the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. (22) any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out (23) effective contact with their fellow scientists either in other countries or in universities, or (24) ,often err)ugh, in other departments of the same firm. The degree of secrecy naturally (25) considerably. Some of the bigger firms are (26) in researches which am (27) such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive (28) to them not to keep them secret. (29) a great many processes depending on such research am sought for with complete secrecy (30) the stage at which patents can be (31) . Even more processes am never patented (32) but kept as secret processes.
A. so
B. else
C. still
D. even
Video recorders and photocopiers, even
ticket machines on the railways, often seem unnecessarily difficult to use. Last
December I bought myself a video cassette recorder(VCR) described as "simple to
use". In the first three weeks I failed repeatedly to program the machine to
record from the TV, and after months of practice I still made mistakes. I am not
alone. According to a survey last year by Ferguson, the British
manufacturer, more than one in four VCR owners never use the timer(定时器) on their
machines to record a programme: they don’ t use it because they’ve found it far
too hard to operate. So why do manufacturers keep on designing and producing VCRs that are awkward to use if the problems are so obvious. First, the problem we notice are not obvious to technically minded (有技术思想的) designers with years o[ experience and tr A. he had neglected the importance of using the timer B. the machine had far more technical features than necessary C. he had set about using it without proper training D. its operation was far more difficult than the designer intended it to be [判断题]动火执行人、监护人同时离开作业现场,时间超过30min,继续动火时,动火执行人监护人不必重新确定安全条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]接岸工程采用深层水泥搅拌加固地基时,对现场水质进行调查。查明( )污染程度和原因以及对水泥搅拌体的侵蚀性等。
A.pH值 B.氢氧化钙 C.易溶盐 D.海水 E.碳酸钙 [单项选择]患者,男孩,10岁,食生蚕豆后发生黄疸及酱油色尿,最有诊断意义的检查是
A. 酸化血清溶血实验 B. 高铁血红蛋白还原实验 C. 抗人球蛋白实验 D. 血红蛋白电泳 E. 红细胞脆性实验 [单选题]设备警报的功能测试至少每( )一次。(按塔里木教材)
A.天 B.周 C.月 D.年 [判断题]根据相关文件的规定,采取措施解救遭受到非法干扰行为的航空器上的旅客和机组成员时,应该根据需要借助该航空器经营人所在国、生产厂商所属国和登记国的经验和能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关合议制度,正确的是:
A.一审、二审案件既可适用合议制,又可适用独任制 B.实行合议制案件审理的一切活动都要由合议庭全体成员参加 C.合议庭评议实行少数服从多数原则 D.合议庭由3个以上的单数的审判员组成 [判断题]检修库内接触网停送电调度权归乘务车间所有。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Competition with research in universities is very harmful to teaching. Therefore, it would be much more beneficial to teaching to develop a sound program of educational research. Such a program would improve teaching theory and technique. It would also make clear what competencies are required of a good teacher as well as help professors attain them. [多选题]对消防员的处分种类有( )
A.记过 B.记大过 C.降级 D.撤职 E.开除 [不定项选择题]A.黄芪,人参
A.白术,当归 B.人参,麦冬 C.熟地,山药 D.远志,菖蒲 E.炙甘草汤和生脉散两方的组成药物中均含有( ) [单选题] 关于手卫生的五个时刻中“接触患者前.“接触患者后”,以下说法不正确的是( )
A.“接触患者前”是指发生在接触患者完整皮肤和衣物之前 B.“接触患者前”的手卫生行为可以在进入患者区域时进行.接近患者时进行或者在接触患者之前立即进行 C.“接触患者后”是指发生在接触患者后,离开患者时 D.从事护理活动后,如调整输液速度.清除监护警报等洗手,是“接触患者后”的手卫生行为 [判断题]《行规》规定,动车组以外的旅客列车区间发生车辆抱闸,经处理,关门车位于列车最后一位或关门车为2辆及以上时,列车运行至前方停车站处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在钻进俯角钻孔时,钻进深度主要受给进能力的限制;钻进水平钻孔时,钻进深度主要受起拔能力的限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]第一胎,产钳助产,产后第4天,产妇自诉发热,下腹微痛。查:体温38℃,双乳稍胀,无明显压痛,子宫脐下2指,轻压痛,恶露多而浑浊,有臭味,余无异常发现。在护理中,告知产妇取哪一种卧位最为恰当()。
A. 俯卧位 B. 平卧位 C. 半卧位 D. 头低足高位 E. 侧卧位 [单选题]下列哪种疾病最易出现无痛性血尿
A.肾盂肿瘤 B.肾囊肿 C.肾结核 D.肾结石 E.泌尿系感染 [单选题] 无人值守车站的集中监测应以站间透明方式纳入所辖( ),发生变化时,应及时组织调整。 (0.5分)
A.工区 B.车间 C.电子车间 D.段调度 [单选题]《道岔保养质量评定标准》规定:道岔两尖轨尖端相错量大于20mm、无缝道岔位移超过10mm,每个扣( )分。
A.4 B.8 C.16 D.41 [单选题]为提高站车卫生环境质量,站车通过广播向旅客宣传配合保持站车卫生环境站车卫生宣传内容,在
A.大站开车后 B.列车在用餐时段和大站开车后向旅客宣传 C.终到前 我来回答: 提交