Alison closed the door of her small
flat and put down her briefcase. As usual, she had brought some work home from
the travel agency. She wanted to have a quick bite to eat and then, after
spending a few hours working, she was looking forward to watching television or
listening to some music. She was just about to start preparing her dinner when
there was a knock at the door. "Oh, no! Who on earth could that be" she
muttered to herself. She went to the door and opened it just wide enough to see
who it was. A man of about sixty was standing there. It took her a moment before
she realized who he was. He lived in the flat below. They had passed each other
on the stairs once or twice, and had nodded to each other but never really
spoken. "Uh, sorry to bother you, but.., uh. .. there’s something I’d like to talk to you about," he mumbl A. Afraid. B. Irritated. C. Pleased. D. Curious. [单项选择]One of the greatest concerns parents have when facing an international move is. "What school will be available to my child Will my child be disadvantaged academically as a result of this move " Although this fear is certainly strongest ill families (62) overseas for the first time, even those who may be more (63) often have concerns about their children’s education.
Dr. Ernest Mannino spoke (64) about some of the common (65) parents have (66) the education of their children. Dr. Mannino (67) parents against making assumptions about their children’s education. To make a(n) (68) choice, parents need to think through schooling issues and to research post schools in (69) of a move. Children who are internationally (70) have many choices of schools to attend. In most major cities, there are schools (71) on the US, French, German, and British systems. Some parents also choose A. important B. intensive C. individual D. invaluable [多选题]发生客伤、车门/屏蔽门夹人/夹物等情况时,应( )。
A.及时赶到现场处理 B.寻找目击证人 C.现场取证 D.维持现场秩序 [单选题]超速警告的控制信号来自:
A.A.DEU B.B.PFD C.C.ADIRU D.D.ISFD [单项选择]高速电子与阳极靶物质发生相互作用时()。
A. 产生连续X线 B. 只产生特性X线 C. 产生连续X线和特性X线 D. 不产生X线 E. 产生电子线 [简答题]哪些项目应在施工现场涂漆?
[单选题]等电位作业人员沿绝缘子串进入强电场的作业,一般在( )及以上电压等级的绝缘子串上进行。
A.35kV B.66kV C.110kV D.220kV [单选题]工作许可人、工作负责人任何一方不得擅自变更( )。工作中若有特殊情况需要变更时,应先征得对方同意,并及时恢复,变更及恢复情况应及时记录。
A.工作内容 B.安全措施 C.工作班成员 D.以上都不对 [简答题]什么是动员令?
[多选题]监察机关应当加强对调查、处置工作全过程的监督管理,设立相应的工作部门履行 ____、____ 、____ 、____ 等管理协调职能。
A.线索管理 B.监督检查 C.督促办理 D.统计分析 E.略 F.略 [判断题]列车运行中遇有旅客因伤、病必须临时停车抢救时动车组司机接到列车长请求后,立即向列车调度员或车站值班员报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 填用数日内工作有效的第一种工作票,每日收工时如果将工作地点所装的接地线拆除,次日恢复工作前应( )。
A. 重新验电 B. 直接挂接地线。 C. 重新验电挂接地线 D. 使用个人保安线 我来回答: 提交