The Culture Debate in the US:Whose Culture Is This ,Anyway美国的文化辩论:空间是谁的文化?
Part of the debate about culture revolves around issues of perspective and ownership. Within a nation such (1) the United States—a nation whose cultural heritage includes elements from every corner of the world (2) are a great many perspectives coexisting and intertwining in the cultural fabriC.When we all ask (3) as individuals, "what belongs to me, to my culture" we are rewarded with a spectacular variety of (4) ; in this way, different perspectives and ownership of different cultural traditions enriches everyone. But when we ask " (5) belongs to us, to our culture" we ask a much harder question. Do the people of the (6) States, or of any culturally complex human society, necessarily share common cultural elements If so, who gets (7) decide what those elements are (1)解释私人信托和公益信托之间的区别。
{{B}}Text{{/B}} … Dramatic Peak District, with its genuine steep fells, never fails to astonish me. A car will{{U}} (9) {{/U}}you all round the Peak District{{U}} (10) {{/U}}a morning. It is nothing{{U}} (11) {{/U}}a crumpled green handkerchief. {{U}} (12) {{/U}}, we hear of search parties going out there to find{{U}} (13) {{/U}}travelers. I have never explored this region properly, and so it remains to me a country of{{U}} (14) {{/U}}. I could go on with this list of surprises, but perhaps you had better make your own. Another{{U}} (15) {{/U}}of our landscape is its exquisite moderation. It has been born of a compromise{{U}} (16) {{/U}}wildness and tameness, between Nature and Man. One{{U}} (17) {{/U}}for this is that it contains that exquisite{{U}} A. wild B. artificial C. false D. genuine [单项选择]结算头寸用于应付日常结算,其利息按( )规定的利率计付给会员。
A. 中国银行 B. 中国人民银行 C. 建设银行 D. 工商银行 [单项选择]在()地点应设电缆标志.
A. 电缆的起点 B. 电缆的终端 C. 电缆转弯处 [多选题]实施二级防护的区域为 。( )
A.中毒重度危险区 B.中毒中度危险区 C.中毒轻度危险区 D.中毒安全区 E.安全区 [单选题]( )负责人组织制定特种设备事故应急专项预案,并且定期组织演练,进行隐患排查,并且提出处理意见。
A.使用单位 C.安全管理 D.安全操作 [单选题]资本的技术构成是指( )。
A.生产资料数量与劳动力数量的比例 B.可变资本/不变资本 C.可变资本与总资本的比例 D.剩余劳动时间/必要劳动时间 [单选题]三轴及以上绿通车辆是以( )为依据判别装载比例?( )
A.核定载质量 B.总质量 C.入口各轴型的限重标准 D.(车货总重-整备质量)÷核定载质量 [判断题]在使用电子平直仪时,按 ON/ESC 键打开计算机计算机连接器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]冲锋舟掉头所需水域大小,一般用冲锋舟( )的大小来衡量。
A.纵距 B.横距 C.旋回初径 D.旋回直径 [单项选择]在社会主义初级阶段,我国的一项基本经济制度是( )。
A. 以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 B. 以私营企业为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 C. 以集体所有制经济为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 D. 以全民所有制经济为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 [多选题]发电司机应做好下列哪些工作( )
A.按操作细则进行设备的起动、调整、停电等作业; B.熟悉设备性能,处理一般故障; C.按调度命令或工作票填写倒闸作业票,并正确地进行倒闸作业; D.正确会签工作票和做好停电作业的安全许可和规定的监护工作; [单项选择]115型电机在运行中,如果发现整个换向器表面都发黑,表明电机在正常运行时,换向火花以达到或超过()。
A. 1级 B. 2级 C. 3级 D. 4级 [单项选择]米面薯芋食滞证首选()
A. 山楂 B. 神曲 C. 麦芽 D. 莱菔子 E. 鸡内金 [多选题]动检车波形图中逻辑计算处的标志符号有( )。
A.公里表 B.半公里标 C.百米标 D.十米标 [多选题]国家开发银行经营和办理( )业务。
A.建设项目贷款条件评审 B.经国家批准在国外发行债券 C.办理对外承包工程和境外投资贷款 D.办理有关外国政府和国际金融机构贷款的转贷 E.从事人民币同业拆借和债券回购 我来回答: 提交